Academy memberships

Prof Kogman-Appel
Prof Dr Katrin Kogman-Appel was granted membership to the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of the Arts and Sciences in 2024.
© Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste, Bettina Engel-Albustin.

Researchers at the University of Münster are regularly inducted into numerous science academies worldwide. As a result, they play a central role in the promotion and dissemination of scientific knowledge and in strengthening the dialog between science, society, and politics.

First of all, I’m delighted to receive the academic recognition! Becoming a member of the Academy offers me the opportunity to participate in cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional humanities discourse. I’m the first and only member of the Academy representing Jewish studies. The chance to represent my discipline in this way in various functions, be it by engaging in dialogue, working as an assessor or providing expert opinions, is especially meaningful to me.
Prof Dr Katrin Kogman-Appel, Jewish studies

German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina

Year of induction Members Subject area
2023 Prof. Dr. Petra Dersch medicine
2021 Prof Dr Eva Viehmann mathematics
2021 Prof Dr Frank Glorius chemistry
2020 Prof Dr Armido Studer chemistry
2019 Prof Dr Alexander Zarbock medicine
2016 Prof Dr Peter Schneider mathematics
2016 Prof Dr Burkhard Wilking mathematics
2014 Prof Dr Joachim Cuntz mathematics
2012 Prof Dr Heymut Omran medicine
2011 Prof Dr Gerhard Erker chemistry
2010 Prof Dr Heidi Pfeiffer medicine
2009 Prof Dr Bettina Schöne-Seifert medicine
2009 Prof Dr Hugo Karel Van Aken medicine
2003 Prof Dr Christopher Deninger mathematics
2003 Prof Dr Harald Fuchs physics
2003 Prof Dr Hans-Christian Pape medicine

North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of the Arts and Sciences

Year of induction Members Subject area
2024 Prof Dr Katrin Kogman-Appel Jewish studies
2023 Prof Dr Michael Seewald dogmatics
2021 Prof Dr Nadine Riedel economics
2019 Prof Dr Arnulf von Scheliha Protestant theology
2018 Prof Dr Gerald Echterhoff psychology
2018 Prof Dr Armido Studer chemistry
2018 Prof Dr Burkhard Wilking mathematics
2017 Prof Dr Bruno Quast philology
2016 Prof Dr Michael Quante philosophy
2016 Prof Dr Heymut Omran medicine
2015 Prof Dr Nils Jansen law
2015 Prof Dr Alfred Sproede philology
2014 Prof Dr Cornelia Denz physics
2014 Prof Dr Erhart Graefe Egyptology
2014 Prof Dr Lydia Sorokin biochemistry
2014 Prof Dr Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf German studies
2013 Prof Dr Christine Schmitz philology
2012 Prof Dr Thomas Bauer Arabic studies
2012 Prof Dr Peter Oestmann history of law
2012 Prof Dr Harald Strauß geology
2011 Prof Dr Reinhard Emmerich Sinology
2010 Prof Dr Albrecht Beutel church history
2007 Prof Dr Jörg Becker information systems
2003 Prof Dr Gerhard Erker chemistry
2002 Prof Dr Klaus Backhaus business administration
1999 Prof Dr Andreas Pfingsten business administration
1998 Prof Dr Christel Meier-Staubach history

Other German academies

Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Year of induction Members Subject area
2012 Prof Dr Michael Quante philosophy

acatech - German Academy of Science and Engineering

Year of induction Members Subject area
2017 Prof Dr Martin Winter chemistry
2008 Prof Dr Harald Fuchs physics
2002 Prof Dr Gerhard Erker chemistry

Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Year of induction Members Subject area
2016 Prof Dr Wolfgang A. Linke physiology
2008 Prof Dr Jürgen Heidrich musicology

Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz

Year of induction Members Subject area
2023 Prof Dr Michael Grünbart Byzantine studies
2022 Prof Dr Angelika Lohwasser Egyptology

Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Year of induction Members Subject area
2009 Prof Dr Oliver Lepsius public law

European academies

European Academy of Sciences (EURASC)

Year of induction Members Subject area
2023 Prof Dr Armido Studer chemistry
2023 Prof Dr Ryan Gilmour chemistry
2020 Prof Dr Gerhard Erker chemistry
2020 Prof Dr Ekkehardt Hahn chemistry
2015 Prof Dr Günter Haufe chemistry

Academia Europaea

Year of induction Members Subject area
2022 Prof Dr Frank Glorius chemistry
2021 Prof Dr Julia Metag communication
2021 Prof Dr Bettina Schöne-Seifert medicine
2021 Prof Dr Armido Studer chemistry
2019 Prof Dr Burkhard Wilking mathematics
2018 Prof Dr Wolfram Drews history
2016 Prof Dr Peter Schneider mathematics
2016 Prof Dr Reiner Schulze law
2013 Prof Dr Michael Quante philosophy
2003 Prof Dr Gerhard Erker chemistry

International academies

Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy

Year of induction Members Subject area
2012 Prof Dr Stephen Emmel Coptology

Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Year of induction Members Subject area
2006 Prof Dr Susanne Kramarz-Bein philology

The Royal Society of Edinburgh

Year of induction Members Subject area
2021 Prof Dr Ryan Gilmour chemistry

Slovenian Academy of Engineering

Year of induction Members Subject area
2017 Prof Dr Martin Winter chemistry