Other awards

Prof Tian Xiaofei
As a recipient of the Humboldt Research Award, Professor Tian Xiaofei was hosted by Prof Dr Kerstin Storm and Prof Dr Reinhard Emmerich to conduct research at the Institute of Sinology and East Asian Studies from 2023 to 2024.
© Uni MS - Brigitte Heeke
Unlike in sciences, scholars in humanities tend not to work in large groups, but we do need mutual inspiration and stimulation from our colleagues, and exchanges across national borders are more important than ever in our times. The Humboldt Research Award has enabled precisely such fruitful exchanges between German scholars in my field and myself, which contributes to expanded intellectual horizons and a deepened understanding and appreciation of different scholarly traditions in Germany, the Unites States, and East Asia.
Prof. Tian, Humboldt Research Award Winner

Humboldt Research Award

Each year, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grants up to 100 Humboldt Research Awards to internationally recognised researchers. The €60,000 research award is presented to leading international researchers from abroad in any discipline in recognition of their academic achievements to date. In addition, the foundation enables award winners to carry out research stays of up to twelve months in Germany.

Year Recipient Host at the University of Münster Subject area
2023 Prof Dr George Willis Prof Dr Dr Katrin Tent mathematics
2022 Prof Dr Xiaofei Tian Prof Dr Reinhard Emmerich Sinology
2022 Prof Dr Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa Prof Dr Stefan Klein information systems
2020 Prof Dr Russell A. Miller Prof Dr Matthias Casper law
2019 Prof Dr Ron Naaman Prof Dr Helmut Zacharias physics
2016 Prof Dr Sukbok Chang Prof Dr Frank Glorius organic chemistry
2016 Prof Dr Guillermo Cortinas Prof Dr Joachim Cuntz mathematics
2016 Prof Dr Guo-Xin Jin Prof Dr Ekkehardt Hahn inorganic chemistry
2016 Prof Dr Kuiling Ding Prof Dr Frank Glorius organic chemistry
2016 Prof Dr Wayne D. Hoyer Prof Dr Manfred Krafft business administration
2016 Prof Dr Arnd Scheel Prof Dr Angela Stevens mathematics
2015 Prof Dr Michinori Suginome Prof Dr Armido Studer organic chemistry
2014 Prof Dr Nikolaus F. Troje Prof Dr Markus Lappe psychology
2013 Prof Dr Bjorn Jamtveit Prof Dr Andrew Putnis mineralogy

Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award

Each year, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grants around 20 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Awards to internationally renowned academics from abroad (no more than 18 years after gaining their doctorate) in recognition of their outstanding research achievements. In addition to the €45,000 award money, the award winners are invited to spend up to twelve months in Germany for a research stay.

Year Recipient Host at the University of Münster Subject area
2023 Dr Colin Reid Prof Dr Dr Katrin Tent mathematics
2013 Prof Dr Martin Albrecht Prof Dr Ekkehardt Hahn inorganic chemistry

Communicator Award

The Communicator Award - Science Award of the Stifterverband is awarded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) to researchers or teams who make their research work accessible to a wider audience in a particularly innovative, diverse and effective way and are thus committed to the dialog between research community and the public. It is endowed with 50,000 euros.

Year Recipient Subject area
2004 Prof Dr Dr h.c. Hubert Wolf Catholic theology