Financing a research stay

Job offers

The University of Münster is one of the largest universities in Germany, and for this reason you will always find plenty of interesting job offers in the academic field.

List of job offers at the University of Münster [de]

After your employment at the University of Münster, you are eligible for Unemployment Benefit I (Arbeitslosengeld I, ALG I) only if you have worked for at least twelve months in a job subject to compulsory insurance within the past three years. Please note that to qualify for this benefit, you must register as a job seeker with the Federal Employment Agency at least three months before your employment contract ends.

Financial assistance University of Münster

  • Internationalisation Fund

    The University of Münster awards internationalisation fellowships to invite visiting academics from abroad. Hosting faculties can apply for funding from the Internationalisation Fund for visits lasting up to three months. Those fellowships are awarded as scholarship funding totalling 2,000 euros per month (proportionately less for shorter stays). Applications can be submitted to the Internationalisation Fund by 15 March and 15 October of each year.
    More information: see No. 3 of the Internationalisation Fund

  • Funding for guest lecturers

    External guest lecturers are eligible to receive travel, accommodation and subsistence allowances. The respective faculty is responsible for applying for, monitoring and effecting payment of funding. If you have any questions, please contact the respective Head of Faculty.

External funding programmes

Funding for visiting academics often takes place through large-scale programmes provided by institutions such as the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), ERASMUS or the Fulbright Commission. The International Office at the University of Münster can advise you on these funding opportunities and answer any related questions you might have.

Visit the International Office


Scholarship databases

There are a number of scholarship databases providing information for academics on how to finance your stay in Münster.

  • There are many funding programmes for researchers. At the University of Münster the Applications Advisory Centre can not only help you to find the right funding options, but also provide assistance in making your application.
    Applications Advisory Centre (SAFIR)
  • The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers its own scholarships database for visiting academics. You can find information here on funding opportunities for foreign students, graduates and post-docs, as well as on other selected funding organizations.
    DAAD scholarships database
  • EURAXESS Germany, an information portal provided by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, has a database containing information on funding opportunities. It is aimed not only at researchers who wish to come to Germany, but also at German researchers returning to Germany after a lengthy stay abroad.
    EURAXESS database

Founding a start-up

Founding a start-up in Münster, Germany, is an excellent way for international researchers to remain connected to academia while pursuing independent entrepreneurship. The international Founders Network of the University of Münster, in collaboration with the REACH - EUREGIO Start-up Center, provides services to support international researchers with ideas, residence permits, networking, and securing financing for new start-ups.

Join the international Founders Network

Details on REACH - EUREGIO Start-up Center