Registration form - International researchers & staff

Kindly provide us with all the information needed to assist you by completing our online registration form:

Personal Data:

Stay at the University of Münster

Duration of stay*
Host institution at the University of Münster available*
Current place of residence is outside the country of origin*

Stay in Germany

Visa - Residence Permit for Germany*
Purpose of stay in Germany*
Financing/Funding of stay in Germany*
Joining family/partner*

Your inquiry

Privacy protection
The data you provide in the contact form will only be used to answer your questions about a possible stay (research or similar), study programme and/or language course at the University of Münster. The data will not be used for advertising or other private commercial purposes. You can informally object to the further use of your data at any time. As soon as you object to the further use of your data, it will be deleted.
By using the contact form, you consent to your data being used for the above-mentioned purposes. You also declare that you have withdrawn your objection.

Mandatory fields marked with (*)