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The practical module

Applies to all students of the Single-subject B.A. programme.

The Communication Science  programme provides students with methods, knowledge and skills that qualify them for independent, reflective and responsible work in the media and communication professions as well as in applied and university research: The programme at the IfK is primarily scientifically oriented.

Nevertheless, the curriculum creates explicit interfaces to the future labour market with two modules: through the practical media courses in the module “Media and Communication Practice I” and in particular through the internship module “Media and Communication Practice II”. While the former aims to familiarise students with their first practical media activities within the university framework, the latter aims to provide students with the most independent professional biographical orientation and reflection possible. At the centre of the module is a self-organised internship of at least eight weeks.

The module “Communication and Media Practice II” is compulsory for students of the Single-subject model and consists of the following parts:

  • an e-learning unit for optimal preparation for the internship (2 ECTS)
  • the internship itself (9 ECTS)
  • the internship course to follow up the internship (2 ECTS)

On this page you will find the most important information about the internship module. If you have any further questions about the internship, you are welcome to contact the IfK Service Office. You can also obtain a certificate for your employer about the compulsory internship (if required) from the Service Office.

The compulsory internship

It is recommended that you complete the internship between the 2nd and 3rd semester. (However, it also makes sense to do several internships in order to get to know different professional fields and thus concretise your own career aspirations and at the same time improve your chances on the job market).

Look for an internship in advance. Large institutions have lead times of around one year. In our department's own job portal you will find current internship offers that either companies have informed us about or the ones they have entered themselves. The archived offers may also be of interest. You can also get useful tips on applications or the legal framework for internships from the University of Münster's Career Service.

In addition, students and graduates of the Department of Communication can use the UNIKAP.MS portal to search for trainee positions, internships and other vacancies for specific target groups. Under certain conditions, the work can be recognised as a mandatory internship (see "Important notes on recognition" ( "Wichtige Hinweise zur Anerkennung")).

Internships can be completed in the following professional fields:

  • Journalism (editorial work in print (newspaper, magazine), news agency, radio, television and online media)
  • PR/press and public relations (activities in the field of external and internal corporate communications/organisational communications, HR management and employer branding, PR agencies, press offices in NGOS, political parties, public sector organisations, as well as culture, sport, science)
  • Advertising (creative and conceptual activities in the field of advertising communication; brand communication, media agencies)
  • Media economics, media management, communication marketing, event communication and publishing (activities in the field of marketing, media economics and media management in media companies, publishing houses, media distributors and other institutions)
  • Multimedia and online communication (activities in the conception of multimedia presentations, online editorial offices; film and/or television production companies, activities in the field of social media)
  • Media, opinion and social research (companies and organisations that use empirical methods, especially institutes and companies in market, opinion and media research as well as research departments in media companies)
  • Other research and service institutions that deal with questions of media policy and communication culture, observation, analysis and evaluation of media offerings and developments (e.g., state media authorities, Grimme Institute, foundations)
  • Other professional fields may also be recognised on request and based on a more detailed description of the activity.


Important notes on recognition:

The compulsory internship is only recognised as part of the Media Practice II module.

In order to receive ECTS or credit points for the internship, only activities that took place during the degree programme can be recognised as compulsory internships. Practical work experience prior to the time of enrolment cannot be recognised.

As a rule, the internship takes place as an eight-week block internship during the lecture-free period (the block internship must be completed in one editorial office/agency/company etc. and cannot be split between two providers). However, it is also possible to complete an internship while studying. In these cases, it must be ensured that the total volume of the study-related internship corresponds to the above-mentioned time frame. In addition, a certificate from the editorial office/agency/company must be submitted confirming that the type and scope of the internship during the course of study corresponds to an internship of at least eight weeks (270 hours).

Freelance work or student work in one of the above-mentioned professional fields can be recognised as an internship during the course of study if it has been carried out continuously for at least 12 months since the start of the degree programme. In order for a freelance work to be recognised, the certificate of at least 270 hours of work must also be accompanied by work samples that allow an assessment of the type and scope of the work.

Internships abroad are expressly welcomed. However, in order to be recognised, they must meet all of the above criteria.

Self-employed freelance work in the above-mentioned internship criterias is not recognised as a compulsory internship.

The internship course

In the semester following your internship, you will take part in the internship course. This usually takes place towards the end of the semester. As with all seminars, you must apply for a place on this course via HIS. The course is offered as a block seminar on a Friday and Saturday. The aim of this internship course is to reflect on the students' professional experience from their compulsory internships, to provide information about other possible career fields for Communication Science graduates, to discuss various options for starting a career and to discuss the connection between studies and professional practice. Students must register for the examination via QISPOS within the deadline for the respective semester.

Summary: Procedure of the Media Practice II module/recognition of the compulsory internship

  1. After finding an internship and completing your internship, you will also find helpful tips and preparatory exercises in the e-learning sequence before the internship. The internship course is accompanied by this e-learning unit, which you must complete before the block date. You can find it in the Learnweb course “Praktikum Kommunikationswissenschaft” (eng.: “Internship Communication Science”). Please register for the course (password: Praktikum). You should land in the "Fachspezifisches Portal zur 'Lerneinheit Praktikum' des Career Service“ (eng.:"Subject-specific portal for the '”internship course unit” of the Career Service"). Follow the further instructions here and you can then enroll in the Career Service's internship teaching unit.
  2. Have the employer issue a certificate for the internship/ job reference from an internship (see step 7 of the e-learning sequence "Legal and financial matters" for details on proof).
  3. Reflect on the internship with the help of the e-learning unit (processing the tasks and worksheets).
  4. In the semester after the internship, take the internship course at HIS-LSF. All participants will then receive an email with further information.
  5. After receiving a place on the course, first register for the following examinations in QISPOS: 16001 (internship), 16002 (practical course), 16003 (e-learning unit), 16010 (final module examination, only valid for examination regulations V15).
  6. Submit the certificate of internship / job reference from an internship from the employer, the completed worksheets of the e-learning unit and the internship reflection (3 pages) to the mailbox at the department before the announced deadline.
  7. Participate in the internship course (two-day block seminar).
  8. The full "Media Practice II" module is usually booked a few days after the internship course.