Studying Communication

A picture of dice with several questions on them

Studying communication science at the Department of Communication in Münster is the best choice for students who are interested in learning the methods, knowledge, and skills required for independent and responsible work, not only within the field of media or communication, but also in applied research. The study of communication deals with the conditions, structures, functions, historical development, and possible effects of media and communication in the modern society. Studying communication science involves understanding the media and communicational aspects of public communication as well as the social and individual realities that develop under the influence and use of media and communication.

Coursework at the Department of Communication is complemented with career-oriented practical phases distributed throughout the program. Unlike journalism school, studying communication science in Münster is not primarily intended to prepare students for the practicalities of media-related careers, but systematically instructs—in addition to news research and writing—general media-related knowledge, methodological skills, and reflection—all vital skills required for a successful career in the constantly changing branch of media and communication.

Attention: All lectures and seminars at the Department of Communication are held in German!


Information for new students

A female student writes something down on a piece of paper.
© Universität Münster – Nike Gais

Studying KoWi

The Communication Studies program mediates methods, knowledge and skills required for independent and responsible work, not only within the field of media or communcations, but also in applied research.

© IfK | Julian Wortmann

Service Offices

 The Service Office will gladly answer your questions and provide general information on studying at the Department of Communication.

Text: Ein-Fach-Bachelor Kommunikationswissenschaft
© IfK

Bachelor Degree Programs

Interested in studying communication science at the Department of Communication in Münster? Further information on our esteemed undergraduate programs can be found here.

Text: Zwei-Fach-Bachelor Kommunikationswissenschaft
© IfK

Dual Bachelor

Interested in joining us for studying? Here you find further information on our high quality undergraduate programs.

Text: Master Kommunikationswissenschaft
© IfK

Master Degree Programs

Interested in studying communication science at the Department of Communication in Münster? Further information on our esteemed graduate programs can be found here.

Text: Master Strategische Kommunikation
© IfK

Master Stratgic Communication

Interested in joining us for studying? Here you find further information on our high quality graduate programs.

Text: Promotion
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Ph.D. Programs

Interested in studying communication science at the Department of Communication in Münster? Further information on our esteemed doctoral programs can be found here.

Text: Auslaufende Studiengänge
© IfK

expiring programs

 Here you find information about expiring programs at the IfK.