The Centre for Media Practice

The media practices building, Bispinghof C
The Center for Media Practices
© IfK

As the central interface between communication science and professional practice, the Centre for Media Practice at the Department of Communication (IfK) offers a wide range of teaching and further education courses as well as the supporting infrastructure in the three areas of "Editing", "PR Conception/Consulting" and "Applied Market and Opinion Research".

One of the main tasks of the Centre for Media Practice is to coordinate the practical media teaching in the Bachelor's degree course in Communication Science, which is usually carried out by external lecturers. This involves cooperating with experienced practitioners in seminars, workshops and lectures in order to combine basic theoretical knowledge with practical skills.

Teaching and research also benefit from the comprehensive infrastructure of the centre, which includes a TV and radio studio, a teaching newsroom and a research laboratory. The hardware and software provided there are freely available to IfK students and staff during attendance times or by arrangement.

Attendance times during the lecture period of summer semester 2024

Attendance times are again offered in the teaching newsroom, studio and research laboratory. Equipment can be borrowed during these attendance times and by prior arrangement by email.

Teaching Newsroom
Monday: 12 am - 2 pm
Thursday: 10 am-12 pm
Please send inquiries about the teaching newsroom (Lehrredaktion) to this address:

Radio and studio
Monday: 2 pm-4 pm
Tuesday: 9 am - 1 pm
Wednesday: 9 am - 11 am
Thursday: 10 am - 12 am
Please send inquiries about radio & studio to this address:

Research Laboratory
Monday: 12 am - 2 pm
Advice: Advice is currently provided by email
The research laboratory can also be used during the opening hours of the teaching newsroom and the studio. Please contact the teaching newsroom (room Bispinghof C 031).

Contact research lab
Hanna Vogel
Bispinghof 9-14, E 002
48143 Münster

Access to the research lab
Key from Karsten Höwelhans (room 209) or on request in the teaching newsroom.

Offerings of the Centre for Media Practice