Single Subject Bachelor
© IfK

Standard period of study and Workload

The length of the single bachelor degree program is six semesters; the bachelor’s thesis and all exams are to be completed in these six semesters. Students are required to complete 180 ECTS credits to graduate. ECTS credits are a quantitative measurement of the student’s workload. They comprise the time necessary for attending lectures and seminars; for preparation and follow-up work, for the exam phases and exam preparation, and for the mandatory internship. By definition, a workload of 30 hours is needed to attain one credit, and about 30 credits are attained per semester.

Coursework is structured into modules. Courses are categorized according to content into modules. The courses belonging to a module can be completed in either one or two semesters. To complete a module, all credits must be attained, i.e., the courses and exams must be completed successfully. Participation in some modules require the successful completion of preliminary modules. And participation in certain courses within the same module also depends on the completion of the module’s foundational course(s). Compulsory modules are determined in the Prüfungsordnung. In addition to the compulsory modules, students can choose from a list of elective modules. The Prüfungsordnung also determines the semesters in which the modules are offered. It describes the module’s structure and sets the amount of credits that can be attained in each course.

Module strukture

Module Definition ECTS / SWS Influence on final grade Attendance/Self-Study Status
Introductory Module I: Foundations of Com Stud I 10 / 4 5% 60h / 240h Compulsory
Introductory Module II: Foundations of Com Stud II 10 / 4 5% 60h / 240h Compulsory
Methods Module I: Data Collection 10 / 4 5% 60h / 240h Compulsory
Methods Module II: Data Analysis 10 / 4 5% 60h / 240h Compulsory
Communication - and Media Practice I 12 / 4 5% 60h / 300h Compulsory
Communication - and Media Practice II 12 / 4 0% 15h / 345h Compulsory
Media Structures and Forms of Organizmation 12 / 4 5% 60h / 300h Compulsory
Thematic Module I: "Society, The Public, Culture" 12 / 4 10% 60h / 300h Compulsory
Thematic Module II: "PR- and Advertising Research" 12 / 4 10% 60h / 300h Compulsory
Thematic Module III: "Journalism Research" 12 / 4 10% 60h / 300h Compulsory
Thematic Module IV: "Reception Studies" 12 / 4 10% 60h / 300h Compulsory
Practical Research 16 / 4 10% 60h / 420h Compulsory
General Studies 10 / 4 0% 60h / 240h Compulsory
Exam Module: Bachelor's Thesis 10 / - 10% - / 300h Elictive
Outside Module (Module unrelated to major) 20 / 8 [1] 10% 120h / 480h Compulsory

[1]The weekly number of hours for Outside Modules are set by the corresponding provider. The 20 credits are usually divided among 4 courses: each course meets 2 hours a week and is worth 5 credits. A total of 30h of attendance and 120h of self-study are required to complete each course.

Overview of the single subject bachelor degree program modules and QISPOS examination-numbers

Module Name / Kind of course ECTS Influence on Module grade QISPOS examination-number
Introductory Module I Introduction to ComStud I 10 / 11001
Module Final Exam 0 100% 11010
Introductory Module II Introduction to ComStud II 10 / 12001
Module Final Exam II 0 100% 12010
Methods Module I Lecture "Data Collection" 5 / 13001
Seminar "Data Collection" 5 / 13002
Module Final Exam 0 100% 13010
Methods Module I Lecture "Data Analysis" 5 / 14001
Seminar "Data Analysis" 5 / 14002
Module Final Exam 0 100% 14010
Communication - and Media Practice I Seminar 6 50% 15001
Seminar 6 50% 15002
Communication - and Media Practice II Intership 9 / 16001
Seminar (assoc. with Internship) 3 / 16002
Module Final Exam 0 100% 16010
Media Structures and Forms of Organization Seminar "Media of Public Communication" 6 50% 17001
Seminar "Conditions of Public Communication" 6 50% 17002
Thematic Module I "Society, The Public, Culture" Lecture 5 40% 18001
Seminar 7 60% 18002
Thematic Module II "PR- and Advertising Research " Lecture 5 40% 19001
Seminar 7 60% 19002
Thematic Module III "Journalism Research" Lecture 5 40% 20001
Seminar 7 60% 20002
Thematic Module IV "Reception Studies" Lecture 5 40% 21001
Seminar 7 60% 21002
Practical Research Seminar 8 50% 22001
Seminar 8 50% 22001
General Studies Introduction to scientific work 5 50% 23001
Seminar 5 50% 23002
Outside Module Courses outside of the ComStud major 20 / 24000
Exam Module B.A.- Thesis 10 100% 100%



Target group / Profile

The dual bachelor degree program allows students to combine their study of communication with another major. Combining majors is ideal for careers in media that are focused on specific branches, such as political communication or business journalism. The dual bachelor degree program allows students to incorporate the thematic applications of communication studies into other interests and inclinations. The module structure’s theoretical and empirically-orientated research focus and media-practical elements inform students of the necessary perspectives for the successful completion of jobs and tasks related to the media.

Standard period of study and Workload

The dual bachelor degree program is comprised of 180 ECTS credits, which are divided among six semesters and amount to a complete workload of 5400 hours. ECTS credits are a quantitative measurement of the student’s workload. They comprise the time necessary for attending lectures and seminars; for preparation and follow-up work, for the exam phases and exam preparation, and for the mandatory internship.

In the dual bachelor degree program, the student must attain 75 credits from each major (for a total of 150 credits, or 4500 hours). An additional 20 credits need to be attained from General Studies (each major has a General Studies module that is worth 5 credits). The Department of Communication has established a specific module to complete this requisite: The General Studies Module, which supports and supplements a major in communication studies. The final 10 credits are allocated to the bachelor’s thesis, which can be written on a subject of either major.

Module structure

Module Definition ECTS / SWS Influence on final grade Attendance/ Self-study Status
Introductory Module I: Foundations of ComStud I 8 / 4 10% 60h / 180h Mandatory
Introductory Module II: Foundations of Comstud II 8 / 4 10% 60h / 180h Mandatory
Methods Module I: Data Collection 8 / 4 10% 60h / 180h Mandatory
Methods Module II: Data Analysis 7 / 4 10% 60h / 150h Mandatory
Communication - and Media Practice I 12 / 4 10% 60h / 300h Mandatory
Thematic Module 1: Module 8 ("Society, The Public, Culture") or Module 9 ("PR- and Advertising Research ") or Module 10 ("Journalism Research ") or Module 11 ("Reception Studies") 12 / 4 20% 60h / 300h Elictive
Thematic Module 2: Module 8 ("Society, The Public, Culture ") or Module 9 ("PR- and Advertising Research ") or Module 10 ("Journalism Research ") or Module 11 ("Reception Studies") 12 / 4 20% 60h / 300h Elictive
Practical Research 8 / 2 10% 30h / 210h Mandatory
General Studies: Introduction into scientific work 5 / 2 According to Dual Bachelor conditions [1] 30h / 120h Mandatory
Exam Module: Bachelor's Thesis 10 / - According to Dual Bachelor conditions [2] - / 300h Elictive

[1] Of the 20 credits in the General Studies module, 5 are allocated to communication studies (Module 13). The overall grade received for the completion of the General Studies module is the grade point average of the courses within the module. How the grade of the General Studies module is weighted, as well as how it is determined, are subject to §13 for the conditions of Bachelor examinations of the WWU within the Dual Bachelor-Model from January 22, 2004 in the version from February 6, 2008.

[2] The bachelor’s thesis must be written in one of the two majors in which 75 academic performance credits need to be attained. Students who decide to write their thesis in communication studies are subject to the subject-specific regulations of the Communication Studies Dual Bachelor (Section 4.1 §2 and §4), as well as the conditions for the bachelor examinations at the WWU within the Dual Bachelor Model from January 22, 2004 in the version from February 6, 2008.

Overview of the internal structure of the B.A.-Modules and QISPOS examination-numbers

Module Name / Kind of course ECTS Influence on Module grade QISPOS examination-number
Introductory Module I Introduction to ComStud I 8 / 11001
Module Final Exam I 0 100% 11010
Introductory Module II Introduction to ComStud II 8 / 12001
Module Final Exam II 0 100% 12010
Methods Module I Lecture "Data Collection" 5 / 13001
Seminar "Data Collection" 3 / 13002
Module Final Exam 0 100% 13010
Methods Module II Lecture "Data Analysis" 5 / 14001
Seminar "Data Analysis" 2 / 14002
Module Final Exam 0 100% 14010
Communication - and Media Practice I Seminar 6 50% 15001
Seminar 6 50% 15002
Thematic Module "Society, The Public, Culture" Lecture 5 40% 18001
Seminar 7 60% 18002
Thematic Module "PR- and Advertising Research " Lecture 5 40% 19001
Seminar 7 60% 19002
Thematic Module "Journalism Research" Lecture 5 40% 20001
Seminar 7 60% 20002
Thematic Module “Reception Studies" Lecture 5 40% 21001
Seminar 7 60% 21002
Practical Research Seminar 8 / 22001
Module Final Exam 0 100% 22002


Modules M1, M2, M3, M4, and M13 should be completed in the first two semesters. At this time, students are provided with a broad foundation of the theoretical, methodical, and career-oriented basics of communication studies. This foundation is especially important later, when subjects are discussed in more detail and as students begin to develop interest in specific career paths, for instance in Thematic Modules I and II or in Communication and Media Practice I. The Practical Research Module combines the accumulated methodological knowledge acquired in the first two semesters with the expertise of the Introductory or Thematic Module. It retraces the research process, so that students who decide to complete the Exam Module at the Department of Communication can complete research on their bachelor’s thesis more or less independently.

Additional information about the bachelor in communication studies can be found on the German IfK homepage and at WWU academic advising.