General Studies

The General Studies programme in Module 13 of the Single-subject B.A. comprises a total of 10 credit points. 5 credit points are compulsory through the course "Introduction to Academic Work Skills”, 5 credit points are achieved in courses from the General Studies programme at the University of Münster.

Introduction to Academic Working Skills

This lecture “Introduction to Academic Working Skills” introduces the basics of academic work and is compulsory for all students of Communication Science at the IfK. This includes finding a topic for academic work, work and time planning, literature research, information gathering and information analysis. In addition, the rules for writing academic papers and presentation techniques are taught and practised. It is a block course in the first week of each winter semester. All students enrolled in the first semester are automatically registered for this course.

Courses from the General Studies programme

In the second part of Module 13, interdisciplinary key qualifications in communication and interaction are acquired, which facilitate the entry into internships and professional life, e.g., time management, learning/working/presentation/communication techniques, foreign languages. Skills will be are strengthened that will make it easier to act, cooperate and present oneself in various work contexts and to optimise one's own behaviour within the organisational framework of the work context (e.g., project management).

The courses that can be chosen as part of "General Studies" can be found in the University of Münster's electronic course catalogue under "General Studies". They are organised according to so-called competence areas, from which students can choose freely according to their interests:

  • Competence area I: (Foreign) language competence
  • Competence area II: Expertise in the theory of science
  • Competence area III: Rhetoric and communication skills
  • Competence area IV: Career preparation and practical skills
  • Competence area V: (Inter-)cultural and creative competence
  • Competence area VI: Sustainability


Important links:
Further information on the organisation of General Studies


Registration according to examination regulations V20:

The courses can be accessed online and are divided into several areas of expertise. You register in QISPOS with the corresponding examination number for the competence area from the AST (Allgemeine Studien, eng.: General Studies) pool of the University of Münster. You have access to the entire range of General Studies courses (e.g. Career Service, Language Centre, AFO etc.). This means that you can also choose and combine courses with 2 CP and those with 3 CP. A combination of courses from the certified (General Studies) pool of 3+2 CP; 3+3 CP is possible, but of course also a course with 5 CP. (The grade of the module component 2 (23100) is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the successfully completed examinations from the General Studies programme. If you have completed additional examinations beyond the scope of 5 CP, only the best grades for module component 2 will be used to calculate the module grade, provided that the sum of the credit points is at least 5).
Please note that courses that were not registered via QISPOS cannot be recognised retrospectively.


Registration according to examination regulations V15:

Registration for participation in the individual courses usually takes place at the respective departments or providers; further information can be found in the notes for the individual courses.

Please note that you can generally complete more than one course in General Studies if you are interested. For example, two courses with 2 CP and 3 CP or three courses with 2 CP each, etc. However, only a total of 5 CP from this area can be recognised. The additional credits completed voluntarily will not be recognised.
Please ask the respective organiser to issue you with receipts for the services provided, which will then be subsequently recognised by the IfK and booked in this module. Please note that you will not be able to register for examination-relevant coursework in QISPOS, but must register directly via the provider. For the booking of special cases (e.g. recognition of credits earned abroad), students can contact the Communication Science Service Office.
For recognition, please fill out the “Anerkennung” (engl.: Recognition) form and have it signed by the academic advisor (also possible by email). You then go to the Examinations Office with the proof. There, the credits earned will be recorded in QISPOS. Alternatively, the academic advisor can also send the proof directly to the clerk at the Examinations Office by email. Please provide a QISPOS printout as proof of credits already recorded in the foreign module in QISPOS.