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Acquire additional qualifications and sharpen your profile!

Students on Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes have the opportunity to acquire certain certificates by focusing on specific areas in their regular course of study and gaining further experience and knowledge as part of additional relevant courses, internships, summer schools or study visits. This gives them the opportunity to sharpen their individual skills profile and to distinguish themselves even more in the competitive labour market.

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Certificate “Digital Humanities”

Digital skills are already among the key qualifications for humanities graduates, both for an academic career and for the non-academic labour market. The certificate enables students to develop practical skills in the field of digital humanities.

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Certificate “Islamic Law”

In addition to legal content, this certificate course also teaches general knowledge about Islam. It is therefore of interest to students of all disciplines who wish to work in intercultural or international contexts. No prior knowledge of law or Islamic studies is required.

Interdisciplinary Certificate “North American Studies”

The certificate enables students who deal academically with the diversity, people, cultures, histories and languages of North America and their contextualisation in global contexts to document this focus in the field of multi- and interdisciplinary North American studies.

© Study India Certificate

Certificate “Study India”

India and the entire Indian subcontinent have continued to attract growing attention as a partner in economics, research and education, as a source of cultural inspiration and exchange and as a destination for tourism and trade in general. The Certificate offers the opportunity to specialize in the study of Indian culture, history, language, literature and society.