Primary school learners‘ German and English reading competences – the role of language programme, migration/language background and gender

The project is conducted in cooperation with Dr. Karoline Wirbatz (derzeit Uni Münster). This study investigates Year 4 learners‘ reading competences in English and German (language of schooling) in two different language programmes: regular ELT with 2 lessons per week vs. bilingual teaching with about 10 lessons taught in English each week. Data of N = 121 learners were collected via readaing tests and questionnaires. Results are published or were reported on here:

Wirbatz, K. & Reckermann, J. (2023). EFL Reading Comprehension Competence of Primary School Learners in Germany: The Role of English Programmes and Language Background. In: Papadopoulos, I. & Papadopoulou E. (Eds.). Pedagogical and Research Perspectives on Language Education. Nova, 31-47.

Reckermann, J. & Wirbatz, K. (2021). EFL Reading in CLIL and Non-CLIL Primary Schools: A Comparison of Classroom Reading Activities, Learners’ Preferences and Actual Reading Comprehension Competences. In: Frisch, S. & Rymarczyk, J. (Hrsg.). Current Research into Young Foreign Language Learners Literacy Skills. Berlin: Peter Lang, 217-255. 

Reckermann, J. & Wirbatz, K. (23.05.2021). EFL Reading Comprehension Competence of Primary School Learners in Germany: The Role of EFL Programme, Gender and Language Background. Vortrag auf der 2nd International Conference on Language Teaching & Learning in the 21st Century: from Theory to Pedagogical Practice, Online (University of Cyprus et al., Griechenland et al.).