Acquisition of lexical and grammatical English competences in bilingual kindergartens in Germany

This project takes place in cooperation with Dr. Karoline Wirbatz (Uni Münster) and circles around German L1 children’s lexical and grammatical competences in English at the end of their time in a bilingual kindergarten (English/German) in Germany. Data were collected with N = 9 learners via different activities and instruments that triggered the learners to produce the English language orally. Data were analysed based on Processability Theory and different measures to investigate vocabulary breadths as well as types of words.

Outcomes were so far presented/published here:

Reckermann, J. & Wirbatz, K. (11.12.2021). Produktive englische Grammatikkenntnisse von Kindern in einer immersiven deutsch-englischen Kita. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Fortschritte im frühen Fremdsprachenlernen, Online (Universitäten Leipzig und Eichstätt).

Wirbatz, K. & Reckermann, J. (24.09.2021). Productive Grammatical L2 Knowledge in Bilingual Kindergarten Children. Vortrag auf dem 20th International Symposium of Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition (PALA), Online (Universität Trento, Italien).

Wirbatz, K. & Reckermann, J. (2023). Rezeptive englische Grammatikkenntnisse von Kindern in einer deutsch-englisch immersiven Kita. In: Böttger, H. & Schlüter, N. (Hrsg.). Fortschritte im frühen Fremdsprachenlernen. Band zur 5. Konferenz. FFF, 190-215. Online: