Differentiation and individualisation in the lower secondary school English classroom

This project takes place in close cooperation with the St. Antonius Gymnasium Lüdinghausen. It won the Citizen Science public price of the University of Münster in 2020. While this project was originally dedicated to peer-to-peer videos in CLIL, after the Covid-19 pandemic the research focus shifted to the question of differentiation and individualisation in content-based ELT at lower secondary level. Peer-to-peer videos were then used as the target task in a differentiated teaching unit that was conducted in two Year 6 classes in 2023/2024. Data were collected from multiple perspectives (learners, teacher and observer) via different instruments: learners’ products, observation, interviews, questionnaires.

Initial outcomes can be found here:


In previous projects, these publications lay the basis for the project at hand:

Reckermann, J. (2017). Eine Aufgabe – 25 richtige Lösungen: Das Potential offener Lernaufgaben für den inklusiven Englischunterricht der Grundschule. In Chilla, S. & Vogt, K. (Hrsg.). Heterogenität und Diversität im Englischunterricht – fachdidaktische Perspektiven. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 205-233.

Reckermann, J. (2020). Differentiation via Open Tasks. Teaching Teens Magazine. Cambridge University Press. Open Access: https://issuu.com/cambridgeupelt/docs/se_magazine_2020_digital , pp. 12-13.

Reckermann, J. (2019). Differenzierung über Lerntheken und Stationen. Aufbau und Potenzial am Beispiel Wild Animals. Fördermagazin Grundschule, 1, 10-15.