A GELT-oriented analysis of the German National Education Standards for the first foreign language
This project takes place in cooperation with Dr. Ricardo Römhild (Uni Münster) and Dr. Peter Schildhauer (Uni Bielefeld). In this project, we analyse the German National Educational Standards for the first foreign language through a Global Englishes Language Teaching (GELT)-lens. We conduct a detailed and two-step qualitative content analysis of the document to identify to what extent the standards mirror rather innovative, i.e. GELT-oriented, or rather traditional concepts of ELT. This allows to draw conclusions about teachers and material designers freedom to integrate GELT-oriented teaching in secondary school English language teaching in Germany.
The project’s outcomes include:
Reckermann, J., Römhild, R. & Schildhauer, P. (2024). Englisch und Französisch als globale Sprachen: Die Bildungsstandards zwischen Tradition und Innovation. Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung, 35(1), 23-38.(plus Anhang unter https://www.doi.org/10.17879/57998429006)