EU Boost programmes

With our “EU Boost” programmes, we support exceptional researchers in their efforts to apply for ERC grants and participate in large-scale EU-funded research projects.

Application and research management advice

There are several advice offices at the University of Münster that specialise in matters related to EU-funded research and educational projects.

Start-up funding

“Start-up EU” supports academics involved in EU-funded research projects. Researchers can apply for start-up funding to prepare for University-coordinated EU consortium applications, as well as project applications to MSCA consortia. The aim of start-up funding (pre-award) is to offer applicants the best-possible conditions for drafting high-quality funding proposals. Successful coordinators of EU projects are eligible for additional grants (post-awards).


The EU Mentoring Network is an advice and support programme offered by the University of Münster to help early-career researchers learn how to take advantage of the many effective EU funding instruments at their disposal (e.g. the ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants). You can learn more about this programme here.