On the following pages you will find contact persons inside and outside the university who are available in all questions concerning elite sport and study advice. We are pleased to help you, do not hesitate to contact us!
Prof. Dr. Bernd Strauß
Commissioner of top-level sports since 2009Dr. Barbara Halberschmidt
AOR, AB SportpsychologieContact:
Mail: bstrauss@uni-muenster.de
Phone.: +49 251 83 32316
Office: Leonardo-Campus 17, Raum 112
Consultation hours: Mo. 3-4 pmMail: bhalbers@uni-muenster.de
Phone.: +49 251 83 32100
Office: Raum 109, Leonardo Campus 17
Consultation hour top level sports: monday 4pm, on appointmentAdress:
Universität Münster
Institute of sport and exercise sciences
Horstmarer Landweg 62b
48149 MünsterSport
Inquiries concerning the access to sport facilities of the university:
If you have any questions regarding applications, our central contact persons in the Student Admissions Office will be happy to help you.
Universität Münster
Abt. 1.3 - Studierendensekretariat (Student Admissions Office)
Schlossgarten 3, 48149 Münster
studierendensekretariat@uni-muenster.deConsultation hours
Monday - Friday 10:00 - 12:30 am
Monday - Tuesday 13:30 - 15:00 pmCareer advice
Ulrich Vetter
Ulrich Vetter at the Olympic base of NRW
Tel: 02581 - 637214
Tel: 0231 - 12 04-7714Advice
E-Mail: birte.brinkmoeller@uni-muenster.de
Tel.: +49 251 83 31805
Büro: Raum 118 , Leonardo Campus 17E-Mail: s.buenemann@uni-muenster.de
Tel.: + 49 251 83 32410
Büro: Raum 116 , Leonardo Campus 17