Scientific study on the dual career (study & top level sport)

As part of this project, which runs up to December 2025, we are addressing the central question: What contributes to athletes being able to successfully combine their studies with a career in elite sport? We are investigating which factors and predictors promote the success of a dual career for top student athletes.

The aim of the project is to sustainably improve the conditions and support structures for athletes at universities and to enable them to successfully combine their studies with elite sport.

The project is being carried out by an experienced team led by Dr. Barbara Halberschmidt and Prof. Bernd Strauß as well as Laura van de Loo and Claire Kaeding. Together with our cooperation partners, the adh, the DOSB, the Olympic training centers and career advisors, we are working on practical solutions and recommendations.

The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) and the adh.