Top athletes at the University of Münster - How to turn load into a joyful experience with much passion.

The aim of the "Ninety Percent" project is to enter the world of the various top athletes at University of Münster. By means of interviews and photographic observations Nikolaus Urban tries - deliberately subjective - to get a glimpse behind the scenes of top-class sport - away from the big competitions and gestures.

What does an athlete do when he or she is notcompeting in the German Championships or the Olympics? This is the question Urbanpursues in "Ninety Percent".

Insight number 1: When sport becomes passion and passion becomes attitude to life, thenyou have a lot to do.

Finding out number 2: 90 percent of your time is spent training; 90 percent of the skills youneed to be successful are acquired outside of competition through discipline, willpower andquite a lot of muscle exercises.

Finding number 3: Structure is your best friend.But is that the whole secret?