News 2024

| Upcoming Talk
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Prof. Dr. Bassem Hassan, Paris Brain Institute

Numerical Cognition in Drosphila

Our last speaker in the OCC Colloquium Series in the summer semester 2024 is Prof. Dr. Bassem Hassan from the Paris Brain Institute

  • Time: July 17, 2024, 4:15 p.m.
  • Location: Multiscale Imaging Centre, Röntgenstraße 16, Auditorium

| Upcoming Talk
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Talk by Prof. Dr. Jorge Sepulcre, Yale School of Medicine

Toward a Global Comprehension of the Human Brain Connectome

Our next speaker in the OCC Colloquium Series in the summer semester 2024 is Prof. Dr. Jorge Sepulcre from the Yale School of Medicine

  • Time: July 08, 2024 (Monday!!), 4:15 p.m.
  • Location: Zoom Meeting – Registration Required (

| Announcement
Martina Saltafossi
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New OCC PhD Student - Taravat Anvari

In our OCC PhD Program we welcome Taravat Anvari. Her research is based on the contexts "Passion for state-of-the-art technology in Pose Estimation, Virtual Reality (VR), the interaction of Vision with actions, Machine Learning, Character Animation, and Human-computer Interaction" The project is supervised by OCC members Prof. Dr. Markus Lappe and Priv. Doz. Dr. Marc H.E. de Lussanet de la Sablonière. The PhD Committee is completed by Prof. Dr. Frank Steinicke, University of Hamburg, Germany

| Upcoming Talk
Mitja Back
© Thomas Mohn Fotografie

Talk by Prof. Dr. Mitja Back University of Münster

LinkedLives: Individualität im sozialen Kontext verstehen

Our next speaker in the OCC Colloquium Series in the summer semester 2024 is Prof. Dr. Mitja Back, University Münster

  • Time: July 03, 2024 (Wed.), 4:15 p.m.
  • Location: Multiscale Imaging Centre Röntgenstraße 16 Auditorium

| Upcoming Talk
Alexander Schütz
© Elisabeth Buck photographik /

Talk by Prof. Dr. Alexander Schütz, Philipps-Universität Marburg

High-level influences on oculomotor learning

Our next speaker in the OCC Colloquium Series in the summer semester 2024 is Prof. Dr. Alexander Schütz, Philipps-Universität Marburg

  • Time: June 19, 2024 (Wed.), 4:15 p.m.
  • Location: Multiscale Imaging Centre Röntgenstraße 16 Auditorium

| Announcement

New OCC member - Nils Otto

We welcome Nils Otto from the Institute for anatomy and molecular neurobiology
as a new member of the Otto Creutzfeldt Center in 2024.

Nils Otto research centers on synapses crucial for neuronal computations in learning and memory circuits, focusing on their molecular organization, functioning, and plasticity as well as the crucial role of Neurexins for synapses

| Announcement

New OCC PhD Student - Jana Harenbrock

In our OCC PhD Program we welcome Jana Harenbrock. Her research is based on the context on mechanisms of deviance processing.  The project is supervised by OCC members Prof. Dr. Thomas Straube and Dr. Insa Schloßmacher. The PhD Committee is completed by Apl. Prof. Dr. Jens Bölte

| Upcoming Talk

Talk by Prof. Dr. Morgan Barense, University of Toronto

Enhancing Real-World Memory: A Smartphone Intervention that Promotes Differentiation of Hippocampal Activity in Older Adults

Our first speaker in the OCC Colloquium Series in the summer semester 2024 is Prof. Dr. Morgan Barense from the University of Toronto

  • Time: June 07, 2024 (Friday), 2:00 p.m.
  • Location: Zoom Meeting – Registration Required (

| OCC Retreat 2024

Talks by OCC PhD Students

The OCC Retreat 2024 will be held at the Institute of Psychology, Fliednerstraße 21, Room Fl 129 on May 23rd. The OCC PhD students present the current state of their projects in twenty-minute talks each followed by 10 minutes of discussion (OCC Retreat 2024 program). In the afternoon, after the presentations, there will be time for sport and recreation + cake. We are looking forward to interesting presentations, lively discussions and interdisciplinary discourse.

| Announcement
Insa Schlossmacher
© Robert Stojan

New OCC member - Robert Stojan

We welcome Robert Stojan from the Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences as a new member of the Otto Creutzfeldt Center in 2024.

Robert Stopjan works on questions about

  • Virtual Reality to Investigate Everyday Like Motor-Cognitive Behaviour
  • Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)
  • Neurocognition and Aging
  • Parkinson’s Disease and Freezing of Gait

| Announcement
Insa Schlossmacher
© Nils Winter

New OCC member - Nils Winter

We welcome Nils Winter from the Institute for Translational Psychiatry as a new member of the Otto Creutzfeldt Center in 2024.

Nils Winter says about his work:

"I have a background in psychology, with specializations in cognitive neuroscience and clinical psychology. Early in my academic journey, I developed a fascination with computer science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. As a researcher, I enjoy exploring the interplay between these fields, using statistical modeling and machine learning techniques to investigate and address questions related to mental disorders."

| Announcement
Martina Saltafossi
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New OCC PhD Student - Martina Saltafossi

In our OCC PhD Program we welcome Martina Saltafossi. Her research is based on the contexts  "Recent research has unveiled the profound influence of respiration on behavior and neural activity, suggesting it acts as a clock mechanism aligning behavior with brain dynamics. These findings open up intriguing avenues for understanding the translational implications of fundamental research in clinical contexts." The project is supervised by OCC members Prof. Dr. Joachim Gross and Prof. Dr. Markus Lappe. The PhD Committee is completed by Dr. Daniel Kluger.

| Thesis Defense
© Olga Schröder

PhD for Olga Holtmann

We congratulate Dr. Olga Holtmann on successfully defending her thesis "The role of the insular cortex in emotional processing: Evidence from a multi-dimensional lesion-based approach" at the Institute of Medical Psychology and Systems Neuroscience. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Thomas Straube, apl. Prof. Dr. Jens Bölte and Prof. Dr. Pienie Zwitserlood.

| Announcement
Insa Schlossmacher
© Thomas Kroker

New OCC member - Thomas Kroker

We welcome Thomas Kroker from the Institute of Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis as a new member of the Otto Creutzfeldt Center in 2024.

Thomas Kroker works on questions about

  • Reward processing
  • Learning
  • Fear generalization

| Announcement
Insa Schlossmacher
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New OCC member - Jan Ernsting

We welcome Jan Ernsting from the Institute of Geoinformatics as a new member of the Otto Creutzfeldt Center in 2024.