OCC Student Resources
The following documents provide information on available lab rotations and optional courses:
Method Courses and Lab Rotations
Optional Courses
Current Reading Groups
Computational Approaches in the Neuroscience of Consciousness Journal Club: Tuesday at 11 am, every fortnight, Institute of Medical Psychology and Systems Neuroscience (Von-Esmarch-Str. 52) Interested OCC students can contact Jana Harenbrock (jana.harenbrock@uni-muenster.de) for further information.
Brain Oscillations and Beyond Journal Club: Mondays at 16:00 in the IBB rooms. Interested OCC students can contact Jana Fehring (fehringj@uni-muenster.de) for further information.
Cognitive Science Journal Club: Thursdays at 14:00 in room 137 b, Institute of Psychology. Interested OCC students can contact Ala Ali Alsaleh (aalsaleh@uni-muenster.de) for further information.
Machine Learning Journal Club: Discussing a variety of ML & Artificial neural network applications in neuroscience and movement science, for instance for EEG, EMG or fMRI measurements. Contact Myriam de Graaf ( mdegraaf@uni-muenster.de ) if you would like to join.
Communication and Rhythms Journal Club: Time/Place: Fridays 16:30 / Seminar Room of Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignal analysis (malmedyweg 15), contact person is Nikolas Chalas.
Journal Club Physiology: Monday, 4pm, Physiology I, Robert-Koch-Straße 27a, please contact Eleni Nikalexi if you are interested to join.
Journal Club Visual Perception: Friday, 3 pm, Institute of Psychology, Fliednerstraße 21, Room 139, contact Anna Hülemeier if you would like to join.
Journal Club BioPsychologie: Tuesday, 2 pm, Institute of Psychology, Fliednerstraße 21, Room 315, contact Marius Boeltzig (marius.boeltzig@uni-muenster.de) if you would like to join.