Neuronal mechanisms for state-dependent sensorimotor flexibility in Drosophila
Our next speaker in the OCC Colloquium Series in the winter semester 2023 is Dr. Jan Ache from the University of Würzburg
Time: November 29, 2023 (Wed.), 4:15 p.m.
Location: Multiscale Imaging Centre Röntgenstraße 16 Auditorium
| Thesis Defense
PhD for Nils Winter
We congratulate Dr. Nils Winter on successfully defending his thesis "Towards Precision Psychiatry - From Univariate to Multivariate Biomarkers of Major Depressive Disorder " at the Institute for Translational Psychiatry. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Tim Hahn, Prof. Dr. Niko Busch, and Prof. Dr. Udo Dannlowski.
| Announcement
New OCC member - Elio Balestrieri
We welcomeElio Balestrierifrom the Institute of Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis as a new member of the Otto Creutzfeldt Center in 2023.
Elio Balestrieri works on questions about
Brain states & rhythms
Perceptual decision making
| Upcoming Talk
Talk by Prof. Dirk Semmann, Universität Göttingen
Our first speakers in the OCC Colloquium Series in the winter semester 2023/24 is Prof. Dirk Semmann from the Universität Göttingen
Title: Social networks and human cooperative behavior
Time: November 21, 2023 (Wed.), 4:15 p.m. Location: Multiscale Imaging Centre Röntgenstraße 16 Auditorium
| Announcement
New OCC member - Sophie Siestrup
We welcomeSophie Siestrupfrom the Institute of Psychology as a new member of the Otto Creutzfeldt Center in 2023.
Sophie Siestrup works on questions about
Predictive processing
Episodic memory
| Announcement
New OCC member - Christina Stier
We welcomeChristina Stierfrom the Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis (IBB) as a new member of the Otto Creutzfeldt Center in 2023.
Christina Stier works on questions about
Interindividual variability in brain structure, function, and cognition
Brain development and aging
Neural dynamics and morphology in genetic epilepsies and their heritability
| Announcement
New OCC PhD Student - Jana Fehring
In our OCC PhD Program we welcome Jana Fehring from the Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis. Her PhD Committe is supervised by Prof. Dr. Joachim Groß, Prof. Dr. Ricarda Schubotz and Prof. Dr. Ralf Stanewsky.
| Thesis Defense
PhD for Svea Schröder
We congratulate Dr. Svea Schröder on successfully defending her thesis "Neural Correlates and Dynamics of Attention, Inhibition, and Working Memory Storage" at the Institute of Psychology. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Niko Busch, Prof. Dr. Ricarda Schubotz and Dr. Maximilian Bruchmann.
| Venture camp 2023
Venture for Science 2023
Summer and Venture Camps at the Coburg
During two weeks in July 2023, two combined summer and adventure camps took place at the Coburg in Münster, just like last year. The camps were organized by the German Alpine Club (DAV) together with the Otto-Creutzfeldt Centrum (OCC) and were sponsored by the city of Münster and the DJK Sportstiftung.
This year, for the first time, it was an integrative camp with a total of 30 children in each of the two weeks, with 10 of these children from each of two wards of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the University Clinics in Münster. The children were able to climb on a climbing or bouldering wall, ride a lift truck to a height of about 10 meters, or even immerse themselves in virtual realities using VR. In doing so, they could face various daredevils, such as confronting spiders, thunderstorms, dark places or stepping onto a free-standing observation plank on a skyscraper. The goal of the camp was to have fun and enjoy playing together as well as to strengthen the children's self-efficacy in passing the dares. The children were enthusiastic about the integrative camp and it was enormously gratifying to see how many more dares the children were eventually willing to take than they had initially thought themselves capable of. More integrative camps are already being planned for next year 2024.
| Thesis Defense
PhD for Sophie Siestrup
We congratulate Dr. Sophie Siestrup on successfully defending her thesis "The Influence of Mnemonic Prediction Errors on Brain Activity and Episodic Memory - a Perspective on Memory Modification" at the Institute of Psychology. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Ricarda Schubotz, Prof. Dr. Pienie Zwitserlood and Prof. Dr. Sen Cheng.
| Thesis Defense
PhD for Elio Balestrieri
We congratulate Dr. Elio Balestrieri on successfully defending his thesis "The multi-faceted impact of alpha oscillations on perceptual decision making" at the Institute of Psychology. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Niko Busch, Prof. Dr. Markus Lappe and Prof. Dr. Joachim Groß.
| Announcement
New OCC PhD Student - Marius Boeltzig
In our OCC PhD Program we welcome Marius Boeltzig. The title of his project is “Learning from quantified episodic prediction errors: Individual biases in gist revision”, under the direct supervision of Prof. Dr. Ricarda Schubotz. The project is supervised by Prof. Dr. Kristina Liefke and Dr. Inês Bramão, Lund Univerity, Sweden.
| Upcoming Talk
Talk by Prof. Patrizia Fattori, University of Bologna
Our next speakers in the OCC Colloquium Series in the summer semester 2023 is Prof. Patrizia Fattori from the University of Bologna (I)
Title: The superior parietal cortex in human and non-human primates
Time: June 14th, 2023 (Wed.), 4:15 p.m. Location: Department of Psychology, Fliednerstr. 21, Lecture Hall 119
| Thesis Defense
PhD for René Michel
We congratulate Dr. René Michel on successfully defending his thesis "A psychophysical approach to rhythmic attentional sampling" at the Institute of Psychology. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Niko Busch, Prof. Dr. Markus Lappe and Prof. Dr. Laura Dugué.
| Thesis Defense
PhD for Thomas Kroker
We congratulate Dr. Thomas Kroker on successfully defending his thesis "How transcranial direct current stimulation of the
ventromedial prefrontal cortex affects cognitive biases and reward processing- behavioral and neuroimaging evidence" at the Institute of Psychology. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Markus Junghöfer, Prof. Dr. Ricarda Schubotz and apl. Prof. Dr. Jens Bölte.
| Announcement
New OCC PhD Student - Nina Liedtke
In our OCC PhD Program we welcome Nina Liedtke. The title of her project is “Learning from quantified episodic prediction errors: Individual biases in gist revision”, under the direct supervision of Prof. Dr. Ricarda Schubotz. The project is supervised by OCC members Prof. Dr. Joachim Groß and Prof. Dr. Kristina Liefke.
Our next speakers in the OCC Colloquium Series in the summer semester 2023 is Dr. Govert Hoogland from the Maastricht University (NL)
Time: May 24, 2023 (Wed.), 4:15 p.m.
Location: Institut für Physiologie I, Robert-Koch- Straße 27A, 48149, seminar room 403 (4th floor)
| OCC Retreat 2023
Talks by OCC PhD Students
The OCC Retreat 2023 will be held at the Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences Lecture Hall LEO 21, Leonardo Campus 17 on June 1st. The OCC PhD students present the current state of their projects in twenty-minute talks each followed by 10 minutes of discussion (OCC Retreat 2023 program). In the evening, of course the traditional OCC BBQ will be held after the presentations. We are looking forward to interesting presentations, lively discussions and interdisciplinary discourse.
Relationships between physical health and cognition and effects of multimodal exercise/cognitive interventions in healthy senior and patients with cardiovascular diseases
The next speaker in the OCC Colloquium Series in the summer semester 2023 is Prof. Louis Bherer from the University of Montréal, Canada
Determining the genes that contribute to 1) sporadic Alzheimer’s disease and 2) the membrane clock using Drosophila
Our first speakers in the OCC Colloquium Series in the summer semester 2023 are Dr. James Hodge and Dr. Edgar Buhl from the Bristol University (UK)
Time: May 03, 2023 (Wed.), 4:15 p.m.
Location: Department of Psychology, Fliednerstraße 21, Room Lecture Hall 119
| OCC Activity
Herr Tie and his teaching unit "Wir sind Hirnforscher!"
After the pupils of the Peter-Wust-Schule in Münster became early stage brain researchers through the teaching unit „Wir sind Hirnforscher!“ designed by the Hertie Foundation, Herr Tie is now starting at the Idaschule in Münster. The OCC offers the teaching material for the 2-week project including the robot „Herr Tie“ to primary and secondary schools in Münster. The robot can move around the room, avoiding obstacles on its own, and he even can change direction at the children's verbal command. The project is completed with a question-and-answer session about the brain with OCC members and PhD students. Interested schools and teachers can contact the OCC ( for further information.
| Announcement
Research Perspectives 2
The "OCC Research Perspectives 2" takes part on April 24th. The invited members have the opportunity to present and discuss current and perspective research interests. This exchange offers an interesting overview of the different research foci within the OCC and gives space for exciting discussions on new projects. The event will take place at the Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis, (Malmedyweg 15, 48149 Münster) seminar room, second floor. It will start at 1 pm.
| Thesis Defense
PhD for Marlen Roehe
We congratulate Dr. Marlen Roehe on successfully defending her thesis "Measures and Content of Anticipation in the Brain" at the Institute of Psychology. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Ricarda Schubotz, Prof. Dr. Pienie Zwitserlood and Dr. Anoushiravan Zahedi
| Announcement
New event "Research Perspectives"
The "OCC Research Perspectives" takes part on March 14th. The invited members have the opportunity to present and discuss current and perspective research interests. This exchange offers an interesting overview of the different research foci within the OCC and gives space for exciting discussions on new projects. The event will take place at the "Multiscale Imaging Centre" (Röngtenstraße 16, 48149 Münster) from 9 to 12 am.
| Announcement
New OCC member - Elena Cesnaite
We welcome Elena Cesnaitefrom the Institute of Psychology as a new member of the Otto Creutzfeldt Center in 2022.
Elena Cesnaite works on questions about
Reproducibility and replicability in cognitive neuroscience and psychology
Functional role of alpha oscillations
Neural dynamics of resting-state EEG and its link to cognition
| Announcement
New OCC member - Dr. Anoushiravan Zahedi
We welcome Dr. Anoushiravan Zahedi from the Institute of Psychology as a new member of the Otto Creutzfeldt Center in 2023.
Dr. Anoushiravan Zahedi works on questions about
Executive functions
Cognitive control
Decision making
Placebo and nocebo
| Announcement
New OCC member - Dr. Nils Henrik Pixa
We welcome Dr. Nils Henrik Pixa from the Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences as a new member of the Otto Creutzfeldt Center in 2023.
Dr. Nils Henrik Pixa works on questions about
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) and Motor Learning with Focus on Bimanual Motor Skills
Exercise-Brain-Behavior Relationship
Motor Imagery and Neurorehabilitation
| Announcement
New OCC member - Dr. Anna Lena Biel
We welcome Dr. Anna Lena Biel from the Institute of Psychology as a new member of the Otto Creutzfeldt Center in 2023.
Dr. Anna Lena Biel works on questions about:
Brain oscillatory correlates of working memory and attentional processes
| Thesis Defense
PhD for Johannes Kirchner
We congratulate Dr. Johannes Kirchner on successfully defending his thesis "Oculomotor control of saccadic eye movements during blinks" at the Institute of Psychology. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Markus Lappe, Dr. Svenja Gremmler and Assoc. Proffessor Tamara Watson (Western Sydney University).