Congratulations Dr. Daniel Kluger

The ERC project 'DYNABODY' investigates the interplay between brain activity and various dynamic processes in the rest of the body. Rhythmic processes such as breathing, heartbeat, and gastric activity not only perform vital functions for maintaining homeostasis but also actively modulate neuronal processing in the brain and, consequently, human behavior. Through the DYNABODY project, we aim not only to understand these complex interactions of so-called brain-body states but also to explore their application in the context of various neuropsychiatric disorders. The strong connections between mental and physical health demonstrate that our thoughts are not merely 'a matter of the mind' but are inseparably linked to the dynamic physical system.

One of the key questions the DYNABODY project seeks to address is the functional mechanisms and signaling pathways through which these peripheral rhythms orchestrate brain function. While an ever-growing body of research highlights the importance of body-brain interactions, little is known about how specific brain-body coupling is governed by both bodily states (e.g., breathing interventions) and brain states (e.g., emotional or excitability conditions). Critically, these gaps extend to the study of diseases, limiting our understanding of how embodied processing contributes to pathological conditions. The interactions between multimodal physiological rhythms and high-dimensional brain dynamics also remain largely unexplored.

To tackle these challenges, DYNABODY combines state-of-the-art MEG neuroimaging, computational modeling, and comprehensive physiological recordings. The project will develop a novel framework for understanding body-brain dynamics in both health and disease. By probing the effects of short-term changes in body and brain states—induced by experimental manipulations such as breathing interventions and cognitive-emotional tasks—alongside longer-term changes like circadian rhythms and pathological alterations, DYNABODY will provide new insights into how these dynamics are interconnected. Furthermore, the project will explore the link between respiratory and gastric rhythms and non-invasive olfactory bulb recordings during edible odor processing, expanding the scope toward multimodal body-brain interactions.

At the University of Münster, one of the few German institutions equipped with a magnetoencephalogram (MEG), we will collect high-resolution data on neuronal activity. These data will be used to develop computational models that explain the interactions between bodily rhythms and brain dynamics. The findings will be applied to patient groups, providing much-needed insights into disorders such as focal epilepsy. Overall, DYNABODY aims to establish a comprehensive model of multimodal body-brain coupling, redefining how we conceptualize, investigate, and understand the interplay between body and brain in both health and disease.