Mathematik Münster

Dynamik - Geometrie - Struktur

Mathematik ist eine Schlüsseltechnologie für wissenschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Fortschritt. Neue Erkenntnisse in der Mathematik stehen nicht nur für sich selbst, sondern eröffnen oft unvorhergesehene Durchbrüche in anderen Wissenschaften.

Wir betrachten die Mathematik als ein organisches Ganzes mit vielfältigen Querverbindungen. Drei Herangehensweisen bündeln die Forschung in unserem Exzellenzcluster "Mathematik Münster": Die Identifikation und Analyse der zugrundeliegenden Struktur eines gegebenen Problems, dessen geometrische Betrachtung und die Analyse relevanter Dynamiken von Gruppen- und Halbgruppen-Aktionen. Mit Hilfe so gewonnener Theorien lassen sich nicht nur die untersuchten Probleme lösen, sondern auch viele weitere ähnlicher Bauart. Aus diesen Theorien ergeben sich zudem oft neue, spannende Forschungsfragen.

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New Young Research Fellow: Simone Cecchini

We welcome Dr. Simone Cecchini as a new Young Research Fellow at our Cluster. He is a tenure-track Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University and works at the interface of global analysis and topology. During his visit to Münster, he will continue his longstanding collaboration with Rudolf Zeidler on scalar curvature rigidity questions and exchange ideas with other scientists at Mathematics Münster.

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First MMGS Poster Session

The first poster session of our Mathematics Münster Graduate School (MMGS) took place yesterday. The very well attended event started with short presentations at the "Posterblitz". Afterwards, the speakers gave detailed information about their research projects in the Cluster Lounge.

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Münster Research Fellow: Alexander Marynych

We are pleased to welcome Prof. Alexander Marynych (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine) to Mathematics Münster as a Münster Research Fellow starting July 15. Previously, he spent several months at the Cluster as a Humboldt Fellow. Alexander Marynych is a Ukrainian probabilist who continues the traditions of the world-famous Kyiv school in the theory of stochastic processes. During his research stay in Münster, Alexander Marynych plans to continue his collaboration with several members of the Institute of Mathematical Stochastics, including Gerold Alsmeyer, Jonas Jalowy, Zakhar Kabluchko, and Matthias Löwe.

© MM/Wiebke Haver

Nordseebrise, Strandblick und Mathematik

Schülerakademie auf Sylt

25 Mathematikbegeisterte Schülerinnen und Schüler der Jahrgangsstufen 10 und 11 aus Münster und dem Umland verbrachten vom 17. bis 22. Juni 2024 erlebnisreiche Tage bei der Mathematik-Sommerakademie auf Sylt. Prof. Dr. Michael Joachim und Prof. Dr. Matthias Löwe und die Doktorandinnen Isabel Lammers und Pia Dillmann hatten Workshops vorbereitet, die einen Blick in die Mathematik über den Schulstoff hinaus ermöglichte.

© MM/vl

Young Research Fellow: Philipp Reiser

We are delighted that Dr. Philipp Reiser joins our Cluster as a new Young Research Fellow. He is motivated by the long-standing question of how the topology and geometry of Riemannian manifolds interact. During his stay at Mathematics Münster from 1st to 26th July 2024, he is especially collaborating with Masoumeh Zarei.

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Young Topologists Meeting

5-9 August 2024

The Young Topologists Meeting (YTM) is an annual international conference aimed at early-career researchers in topology - both pure and applied - covering the whole breadth of the subject. It serves as a platform for graduates, PhD researchers and early postdocs to present their research, exchange ideas and build international connections.