New edition of the renowned public relations handbook published
(14.01.2025) The newly designed and fundamentally revised fourth edition of the Handbook of Public Relations was published at the beginning of the year. Edited by Peter Szyszka, Romy Fröhlich and Ulrike Röttger, the handbook offers a comprehensive overview of the research and action field of public relations on around 1,100 pages.
The handbook presents central theoretical approaches and empirical questions in the research field of public relations, highlights key concepts of PR such as publicity, image, reputation, dialogue and trust and examines public relations in the context of various social fields of action. In addition, specific aspects of practical application such as storytelling, corporate publishing and campaign communication are highlighted, as well as central functions and fields of activity of PR - such as public affairs, crisis communication or media relations.
In addition to the editor Ulrike Röttger, the IfK colleagues Sarah Ecklebe, Volker Gehrau, Maja Malik and Helena Stehle also contribute to the handbook.
Handbuch der Public Relations
Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen des beruflichen Handelns
Peter Szyszka, Romy Fröhlich, Ulrike Röttger (Hrsg.)
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
Doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-28034-5
Contact person public relations:
Dr. Stephan Völlmicke
Telefon: +49 251 83-23006
Telefax: +49 251 83-21310 (Geschäftszimmer IfK)