Geomedia expert Cornelia Brantner new Fellow at the IfK
(23.10.24) The new Fellow of the Centre for the Study of Digitised Public Spheres comes to Münsterland from the far north: Prof. Dr Cornelia Brantner from Karlstad University (Sweden) is currently a guest at the IfK.
Brantner is the coordinator of the Centre for Geomedia Studies and was previously an assistant at the University of Vienna, a visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, a research associate at the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Research at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and a deputy professor in Bremen and Dresden.
In addition to her expertise in geomedia and media infrastructure research, Cornelia Brantner is a recognised expert in the fields of visual communication, digital communication and research into public spheres and (in)equality.
As part of the fellowship, Cornelia Brantner will come to Münster twice in 2024 and 2025 to work on her project on the sovereignty of digital infrastructures and exchange ideas with colleagues at the IfK.
The project ‘Digital infrastructure sovereignty: Towards a public value-based media policy for the datafied Swedish welfare state’, which is funded by the Swedish Science Council, examines and analyses the Swedish infrastructure and platform landscape as well as the effects on a media system that is intended to promote democratic public discourse and democratic values.
Brantner is particularly interested in the similarities and differences in Swedish and German discourses on data centres and cloud services. We look forward to discussing future research and teaching collaborations with her and warmly welcome Cornelia Brantner to the Institute.
Contact person public relations:
Dr. Stephan Völlmicke
Telefon: +49 251 83-23006
Telefax: +49 251 83-21310 (Geschäftszimmer IfK)