Successful Cooperation: WWU Career Service Implements IfK Students’ PR-Concept
(28.06.2018) Customer: Career Service. Order: Revision of its communication concept. Students of the media practice seminar led by Magdalena Bollmann M.A. met the challenge in the winter semester 2017/18. First results of their work were now implemented, amongst which the new cover on the current semester program (WS 2018/2019), published every semester by the Career Service.
The objective being to refine the Career Service’s profile and to develop new communication concepts for various target groups (students, lecturers, departments, employers), the students of the Seminar “PR Project ¬– Communication Concept for WWU Career Service” first examined the Career Service’s current communicational practices carefully. They analysed strengths and weaknesses, applied creative techniques and developed individualized approaches in order to reach the defined communication goals.
Finally, four groups presented their results to Andreas Eimer (Leiter des Career Service) and his colleagues Ruth Nolden and Isabelle Kremer in a pitch. They were impressed by the students’ engagement.
The project's results, developed in close cooperation between the Career Service and the Department of Communication, reflect the wide range of the Career Service’s offering and shifts the focus on strengths: advisory expertise, quality events and network contacts.
This year, the Career Services celebrates its 20th anniversary.
Contact person public relations:
Dr. Stephan Völlmicke
Telefon: +49 251 83-23006
Telefax: +49 251 83-21310 (Geschäftszimmer IfK)