IfK-Researchers at the 7th ECREA Conference in Lugano (Switzerland)
(22.10.2018) In this year’s 7. European Communication Conference, organized by the European Communication and Research and Education Association (ECREA) will be held in Lugano, Switzerland from 31 October to 3 November. Researchers from the Münster Department of Communication (IfK) are taking part with 15 contributions. Amongst these are four contributions presenting the results of studies carried out by master’s students in the context of two research seminars in the summer and winter semester of 2017 and 2018.
This year, the ECREA conference’s key theme is "Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation". A special focus is on the issues of ”core” and “margins”. Scholars are invited to stretch the boundaries of media and communication studies in order to explore new fields of research and application. The key theme “Centres and Peripheries“ particularly aims encourage to reconsider geographical, cultural and linguistic borders and boundaries.
At the ECREA conference, the Münster Department of Communication (IfK) is represented in various sections, networks and temporary working groups with the following 15 contributions.
- Diverging truths: Distrust in the media due to the perception of a journalistic establishment
Laura Badura, Bernd Blöbaum (WWU Münster) - Six days and 50 years: A transnational exploration of the journalistic commemoration of the 1967 War
O. Meyers (University of Hafia), Thomas Birkner (WWU Münster), Aysha Agbarya (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Rachel Somerstein (SUNY New Paltz) - User comments in journalism: The recipients‘ view on the potential for deliberative discourse
Katherine M. Engelke, Florian Wintterlin (WWU Münster), Valerie Hase (University of Zurich), Bernd Blöbaum (WWU Münster) - The Brussels news wire – journalism without borders?
Hannah Lorenz (WWU Münster) - Effects of objectifying video games in virtual reality: How does playing with a sexualized avatar in a VR setting affect women’s self-objectification and body esteem?
Katharina Maubach, Michael Engmann, Lena Sünderbruch, Linn J. Temmann, Felix Reer, Thorsten Quandt (WWU Münster) - Is distrust in the media undermining democracy? An explorative interview study on the implications of media skepticism
Niels Göran Mede (University of Zurich), Sebastian Hollekamp, Lionard Tampier (WWU Münster) - Civic communication on the interface: The socio-technical constitution of online commenting
Anne Mollen (WWU Münster) - Legal courts, the media, and public attention. Exploring structural adaptations to ‘media logic’ within the judicial field in Germany
Andreas Scheu (WWU Münster) - Political leadership and the media – a media-biographical and historical approach
Katharina Schmidt (University of Munich), Sebastian Mallek, Thomas Birkner (WWU Münster), Benjamin Krämer (University of Munich) - A wolf in sheep’s clothing? Investigating the differences in users' trust and privacy concerns across three Facebook services
Anja Schmitt, Alegra Kaczinski (WWU Münster) - Trigger-happy on the holodeck: Do embodied acts of violence increase aggression?
Wai Yen Tang, Felix Reer, Kimon Kieslich, Thorsten Quandt (WWU Münster), Benny Liebold, Daniel Pietschmann, Nico Tauchmann, Peter Ohler (Chemnitz University of Technology) - Multimodal framing of inclusion in education: visual and verbal representation of students with disabilities
Anna-Maria Volpers (WWU Münster) - Translocalization of public spheres in a digitized world
Annie Waldherr, Daniela Stoltenberg (WWU Münster), Daniel Maier, Barbara Pfetsch (University of Berlin) - Shaping attitudes towards sexual harassment: Testing the influences of highly immersive technology and perpetrator framing
Rebekka Wilhelm, Jana Haack, Matthias Günzel, Tim Zemlicka, Shaghayegh Ghavamzadeh, Felix Reer, Thorsten Quandt (WWU Münster) - Learning in Virtual Reality: Testing the effectiveness of a VR game
Patrick Williams, Oliver Austermann, Maike Kreyenborg, Dominik Malczewski, Felix Reer, Thorsten Quandt (WWU Münster) - Strategies of preserving trust in journalism: recipients’ views on transparency and verification of user-generated content
Florian Wintterlin (WWU Münster), Valerie Hase (University of Zurich), Katherine M. Engelke (WWU Münster)
Additionally, Katherine M. Engelke, Laura Badura and Bernd Blöbaum will be chairing the session „Between trust and distrust: reasons for and strategies to deal with media skepticism“, Thorsten Quandt will be chair of the session „Games and persuasion across contexts“.
The international ECREA conferences take place every other year at a European metropolis. The Non-Profit-Organization was founded in 2005 arising from the merger of two European Research Associations. Organized in to 21 thematic sections, 3 permanent networks and 7 temporary working groups, ECREA promotes scientific exchange also involving findings from related humanities and social sciences. ECREA has more than 3000 individual members. The 8th ECREA conference 2020 will be held in Braga (Portugal).
Contact person public relations:
Dr. Stephan Völlmicke
Telefon: +49 251 83-23006
Telefax: +49 251 83-21310 (Geschäftszimmer IfK)