German-Ghanaian student project on sustainability, 27th May – 07th June 2024

  • Review of the German-Ghanaian student project

    The German-Ghanaian student project was the first collaboration between the Careers Services of Ashesi University and the University of Ghana, both located in Accra (Ghana), and the University of Münster. The German and Ghanaian students from various disciplines (e.g. geography, engineering, chemistry, economics) established mixed teams and were assigned to four companies: Agravis, Fairafric, Infineon and Riela. The partnering companies presented real-life challenges they currently face in their efforts to act sustainably. These included comparisons of recycling cultures in Ghana and Germany and the need to convince farmers to work and produce in a sustainable way.

    Between the first meeting and the presentation of the results at the end of the project, the German-Ghanaian students collaborated online to develop ideas, strategies or even complete solutions to the situations presented by the companies. During this time, the students strenghtened their intercultural and interdisciplinary skills.

    On the final day of the project, the German-Ghanaian student teams presented their findings to the participating companies. These findings were the result of the diverse approaches, ways of thinking, experiences, and competencies of the Ghanaian and German students. Following this, the company representatives and the students engaged in a discussion about the outcome. Additionally, the students' suggestions were addressed in depth, with various opinions expressed to ensure a deeper understanding. The project concluded with a feedback round, during which each student was invited to provide feedback on their experience and to suggest improvements.

    This German-Ghanaian student project marked the first collaborative effort between the Career Services of Ashesi University, the University of Ghana, and the University of Münster. Successfully working online across continents, it united the strengths of two different working and learning cultures.