Veranstaltung des Career Service

A.2.11 Internship Orientation Guide: The E-Learning Unit

For many students, internships in Germany and abroad are part of the study experience. Due to insufficient preparation or a lack of reflection, many students do not fully apply the benefits of this practical experience to their self-development and career orientation. This course aims to increase the quality of your internship. Use our online course to prepare for and carry out your internship in a way that supports your needs and connects to your studies and your career orientation. This course is offered during the semester as an e-learning unit, which you can work through independently according to your schedule. You’ll receive the access data for Learnweb on Tuesday, October 8th. If you register after this date, please contact

Learning Objective

  • You define internship contents and aims.
  • You transfer study contents.
  • You reflect on your learning process.

Who can participate?
Anyone who is currently studying at the University of Münster, is doing a doctorate or has graduated from the University of Münster within the past year can participate.


Leistungspunkte in den Allgemeinen Studien


Online via Learnweb


> Leonie Oster, Career Service

How can I earn credit points?

If you are studying for a Bachelor's degree and would like to earn credit points in General Studies with a Career Service course, you must write a reflection (three pages) after your participation and submit it to the Career Service by Friday, February 28th, 2025 at the latest.


This regulation applies in the same way if you wish to acquire credit points as part of other degree programs. You can find important information about the reflection on the Career Service website at:

How do I register?

You must register online for the courses at the Career Service:

If you want to earn credit points for a course in the General Studies of the Bachelor's degree programs, you must also register with QISPOS:

The Career Service cannot add you to QISPOS. We can only register your credits if you have registered in both systems on time. Please also note the registration deadlines for QISPOS.


How do I deregister?

If you have a binding registration and are unable to attend the event, please cancel your registration with the Career Service on time:

If you are also registered in QISPOS for an examination for the event, please also deregister from the event in the QISPOS portal on time within the deregistration period specified there:


Conditions of participation:


  • Tardiness: Our seminars and workshops are not lectures, but offerings with many active components. Therefore, late arrivals who leave the event in between or before the end of the event will repeatedly interrupt this dynamic. We therefore ask you to arrive on time and participate fully. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late at the start of a fully booked event, you will lose your seminar place. Any places lost due to late arrival will be allocated to subsequent participants.  
  • Full participation desired: Full participation is desired for reasons of process and content. If you can foresee that you will not be able to attend in full, we therefore recommend that you cancel early. Instead, choose an event that suits you in terms of time.
  • Evaluation: For quality assurance purposes, all participants will be asked to complete an evaluation form at the end of each event.


If you have any questions:
Career Service of the University of Münster
Telephone: 0251 83-32293