Health insurance for students

All students at German universities – with the exception of doctoral candidates – must hold health insurance during their studies without interruption.

During your studies, the University of Münster may ask you to confirm your insurance status. This can be due to the following reasons:

  • You’ve received an email, informing you that you have not fulfilled your payment obligations.

    Your health insurance provider notified us that you have not paid your health insurance contribution. Contact your insurance provider and pay the amount due as soon as possible. Once we receive word from your health insurance provider that your balance has been settled, there will be no further consequences for you.

    However, if we do not receive notification of payment from your insurance provider by the given deadline, you will be de-registered.

  • You’ve received an email that your health insurance policy was cancelled.

    Your health insurance provider has cancelled the notification of health insurance coverage which it had previously sent us. There can be multiple reasons for this. Cancellation is equivalent to an interruption of health insurance coverage which is not permissible by law. In this case, please contact your health insurance provider and clarify the matter. Once your insurance provider has sent us a new notification or retracted the cancellation, there will be no further consequences for you.

    However, if we do not receive the notification of coverage from your insurance provider within the given deadline, you will be de-registered.

    Please inform your health insurance provider of our company number (Absendernummer). The company number of the University of Münster is: H0001848.

  • You’ve switched to another health insurance provider.

    You may switch to another health insurance provider during your studies. In this case, there is no need to inform us – your new health insurance provider is responsible for notifying us accordingly.

    If you switch from one statutory health insurance provider to another statutory provider, your new provider is required to send us the so-called “Meldung 11” notification.

    If you switch from a statutory health insurance provider to a private insurance company, we will need the so-called “Meldung 10 2” form which can be sent by any statutory health insurance provider. The easiest way is to ask your former statutory health insurance provider to send us the “Meldung 10 2” form.

    Please make sure that your health insurance company sends us the same data as you entered in your enrolment application at the University of Münster. This especially applies to students who have multiple first names, hyphenated names, or names that contain special orthographic symbols such as umlauts or letters which do not exist in the German alphabet.

    Please inform your health insurance provider of our company number (Absendernummer). The company number of the University of Münster is: H0001848.