© Familie Kurpiers

We mourn the loss of Dr Walter (Donald) Kurpiers

We mourn the loss of Dr Walter Kurpiers (11.07.1934 - 26.06.2024), who passed away shortly before his 90th birthday. In "Donald", as he was known to students and colleagues alike, the Sports Institute has lost a much-loved and respected sports educator. Our thoughts are with his wife, his children and his entire family.

© Lennart Brunstein

Poster session "School sport and democracy"

As part of Prof. Nils Neuber's project seminar "School sport and democracy", students carried out practical research projects in schools and sport clubs. Over the course of several weeks, they worked on topics such as participation in performance assessment, children's rights in school sport, federalism in the education system and democratic education throughout the day. They have now presented their results in a poster session and discussed them with external guests.

© Uta Kaundinya

Successful closing event of the Special Olympic project seminar

The Special Olympic NRW project seminar was successfully concluded with a poster session on 20.06.24 with guests from the Special Olympic team. The students investigated self-selected research questions during the NRW state games and mainly interviewed or observed people involved in the state games. They presented their research results on scientific posters and presented them during the event. Afterwards, students discussed their personal impressions and experiences with the guests in a plenary session.

© Medienlabor IfS

IFS Roundnet Tournament

Once again this year, the Roundnet Seminar is organising a Roundnet Tournament together with the Sportevenmanagement Seminar, including a raffle and a self-organised flea market.
The tournament will take place on 29 June 2024 on pitch 2 of the campus grounds.


© Uni Münster

The UniMS Centre for Europe

The UniMS Centre for Europe has appointed Michael Brach to the ‘EU Mentoring Network’. It aims to identify suitable young scientists, encourage them to apply for ERC starting grants and support them. The ‘Class of 2024’ covers a broad spectrum from chemistry to education. Soon to include sports science?

© Franca Porsch

Roundtable of the "Sportpaten"-project

The roundtable of the University of Münster's project "Sportpaten" met at the Mathilde Anneke School on May 16, 2024, with OECD Education Director Andreas Schleicher in attendance. The one-to-one sports sponsorship and sporting activity offers the opportunity to develop courage, opportunities for change and the skills to develop one's own cognitive, social-emotional resources.

© H.Leineweber

WiRe-Fellow visits the Dep. of Education and Culture in Sport

Dr. Maria Campos from the University of Coimbra (Portugal) came to visit the IfS to coincide with the Special Olympics State Games, most of which took place at the University Sports Campus. Maria Campos is one of this year's fellows of the Women in Research (WiRE) program of the University of Münster. Together with JProf. Dr. Helga Leineweber, Dep. Education and Culture, she is conducting the project "Fostering Physical Education 4 All Abilities". This transnational project aims at analyzing the self-efficacy of prospective physical education teachers in Portugal and Germany in order to develop professional skills in inclusive settings.