International Scientists


Arto Laukkanen, PhD, adjunct professor, is working as senior lecturer in Sport Pedagogy at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences in University of Jyväskylä, Finland. His research aims at providing understanding of the developmental mechanisms leading to physically active lifestyles early in life and later on. At the moment, Laukkanen is leading a geographically representative longitudinal study of families with children (Skills, support and physical activity - Taiturit) and is supervising three PhD students involved in this study. His stay from April 25-29, 2022, is sponsored by the Internationalization Fund of the University of Münster .


Sports didactic habilitation lecture by Dr. Stefan Meier

Dr. Stefan Meier (University of Vienna) gave his habilitation lecture on Wednesday, January 22, 2020. In his cumulative habilitation thesis, he addressed the topic of "Diversity in Physical Education" in various empirical studies. In his habilitation lecture he spoke on the topic "Because you (don't) know what to do?! - Subject-related professionalization of physical education teachers between should and should not". The lecture was open to the public.


LabTalk by Prof. Dr. Shunichi Tazuke

On 04/24/2019, Prof. Dr. Shunishi Tazuke gave a talk at OpenLab about his scientific interests and biography. Mr. Tazuke is a professor at Dōshisha University in Kyoto, Japan and is spending a research year as a visiting professor at IfS in AB Movement Science.

Lab Talk Luc van der Woude

On 2019-02-13 the Lab Talk was held by Luc van der Woude, Professor "Human Movement, Rehabilitation and Functional Recovery". He is a professor at the "Center for Human Movement Science" of the University Medical Center Groningen of the University of Groningen since 2009. Van der Woude received his PhD in wheelchair ergonomics in 1989 and has since conducted research in the field of physiology, biomechanics and ergonomics of the upper body during cyclic movements. In his presentation he gave an insight into the study of "Human Movement Science" in Groningen and the research in the field of technical aids, especially wheelchairs.


10th German-Japanese Symposium at the IfS.

The AB Sportpsychology hosted the 10th German-Japanese Symposium at the IfS from March 13-15, 2018. During the three days, about 50 scientists from Germany and Japan reported on research under the guiding theme "intercultural sport science". At the same time, the presidium of the European Society for Sport Psychology (FEPSAC) could be won for a visit in Münster, so that an international exchange of research results could take place. At the start of the symposium on Tuesday, special activities of the WGI took place in honor of the 25th anniversary. The dvs President Prof. Ansgar Schwirtz and the representatives of the JSPEHSS deepened their cooperation agreements.


Kateřina Jasanská from the Karls-University in Prague, Czech Republic, visits us from 01.10.2017 to 30.07.2018 within a student exchange funded with support of the Erasmus plus programme. During her visit, she will take part in classes, support the Department of Physical Education and Teaching Research and collect data for her PhD project “The comparison between the training of physical education teachers in the Czech Republic and North Rhine-Westphalia”.

Prof. Dr. Andrea Petroczi as a guest lecturer at the University of Münster
Kingston University, London lecturer Prof. Dr. Andrea Petroczi is currently visiting the sport psychological department of the Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences in Münster. Petroczi is one of the leading researchers in the field of doping and anti-doping work and will stay for two months at the University of Münster. This exchange is made possible through a Mercator-Fellowship program of the ‘DFG-Graduiertenkolleg’ working on ‘trust and communication within the virtual and digital world’.
During her stay, Andrea Petroczi will give guest lectures, intensify the connection and network between the two Universities and work on her own research interests including an IOC funded project to evaluate the legitimacy of anti-doping policies.


Dr. Clare MacMahon is Head of Sports Science at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. She has a background in both Psychology and Kinesiology, and consistently combines both areas in her work. Her research broadly examines movement cognition, exploring how thinking and moving are interlinked, with examples such as the impact of cognitive fatigue on physical performance, or the impact of context on decisions. Clare visited the IFS in May 2016 working together with Bernd Strauss and Linda Schücker.


Dr. Lucy Parrington has a background in Biomechanics and Motor Learning and is currently working as a Post Doctoral researcher at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne Australia. Lucy visited the Department of Sport Psychology of the IFS during October and November 2016, funded through a visiting scholar fellowship from the University of Münster. Dr. Parrington’s research focusses on understanding technical and cognitive underpinnings of skilled performance in sport, and the application of this work in development and sub-elite levels of sport. During her research stay, Lucy collaborated with Dr Linda Schücker on a project investigating how focus of attention effects running economy and kinematics.

Dr. Trina Hinkley has a background in physical activity and public health research and is presently a Senior Lecturer at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. She is visiting the IFS in July 2016. Her passion in research is fuelled by a strong drive to identify ways to support healthy lives for people who may not be fortunate to have such opportunities. Specifically, identifying strategies to support the development of healthy behaviours in young children is important to me as that period of time is crucial for establishing healthy foundations for life. Her current research focus is on physical activity and electronic media use in children and how those behaviours affect outcomes such and psychosocial well-being and cognitive development. She is currently involved in a project together with Maike Tietjens, Dennis Dreiskämper and Till Utesch.

Dr Lisa Barnett has a background in public health and is presently a Senior Lecturer/Alfred Deakin Fellowship holder at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. Her research involves the measurement and assessment of children’s actual and perceived movement skill competency and the relationship between these skills and health behaviours and outcomes. She is well recognised in this research area and is extensively published (>75 papers). She is visiting the IFS in July 2016 and is working on a project on perceived and actuale motor competence and physical activity in children together with Maike Tietjens, Dennis Dreiskämper and Till Utesch.

Dr. Desmond Mulligan, from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, joined The Institute of Sport Science from July to November 2016, funded through a visiting scholar fellowship from the University of Münster. Dr. Mulligan’s research interests centre on the role of the motor system (and simulation processes) in action prediction, and the development of new methodologies to elucidate these mechanisms.  During his stay he collaborated with Professor Karen Zentgraf on an fMRI project investigating the neural correlates of action prediction.


Karen Roemer received her PhD in Sports Science from the Chemnitz University of Technology in Germany. Her area of expertise is biomechanical modeling and human movement analysis. In Germany she worked in the Olympic Training Centers in Stuttgart and Saarbruecken. Afterwards she worked as a research fellow at the Institute of Mechatronics in Chemnitz and lecturer at the Chemnitz University of Technology. In 2004 she finished 2nd in the New Investigators Award of ISBS and in 2005 she received the German Karl-Hofmann-Dissertation Award for her PhD thesis. She taught numerous classes in biomechanics, sports technology and movement analysis. In 2008 she moved to the USA and is associate professor for biomechanics at Central Washington University. There, she developed the Human Movement Biomechanics Research Lab within the Health Sciences department and has been teaching classes in biomechanics and kinesiology.

Guest scientists



Prof. Dariusz Wojtaszyn from the Willy-Brandt-Center of the University of Wroclaw is an historian and part of the scientific project "Aufarbeitung der Geschichte des DDR-Fußballs". His special subject is the culture of football fans in the countries of Middle- and Easteurope during the communistic period. During his stay, he presented his recent researches on fans and violence in the GDR.

150609 Burkhard Wuensche

Dr Burkhard Wuensche, Senior Lecturer in the field of Computer Science,  University of Auckland, New Zealand, visited our insitute in June. Within the
LabTalk series, he presented "Development and Evaluation of an Exercycle Game Using Immersive Technologies". On a separate appointment,
possible cooperations between the institutions were discussed. Born in Germany, Dr Wuensche had moved to New Zealand about 20 years ago, after having finished studies in Kaiserlautern.


Giuliano Pimentel is Associate Professor and Deputy Dean in the Program of research in Physical Education from the UEM (State University of Maringá - Brazil). To start activities of cooperation in all approaches of Science Sports, he visited the Institute of Sport Science in July 2014 and January 2015. His research interests are in the areas of adventure sports and leisure. Email: giuliano

Farid Bardid

In the context of a cooperation project Farid Bardid visited the Institute of Sport Science in January 2015. He works at the University of Gent, Belgium, where he is doing his PhD. His research field is motor development in early and middle childhood and mostly in an intervention project named Project Multi Move for Kids to improve motor competence. While staying in Muenster, he worked together with Till Utesch at a project investigation the construct of motor ability/motor competence and also on the construction of test items in preschool children.


Natalia Hp

Dr Natalia Pulyavina, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Management and Associate Professor from Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow) visited the Department of Sport Psychology to explore possible research cooperations.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics is consistently ranked as one of top 5 Russian Business Schools and is also included in the 2014 ranking of top 100 BRICS Universities (per 2014 QS World University Rankings). Dr Natalia Pulyavina has a background in competitive sports and holds a Master of Sport of the Russian Federation (Rhythmic Gymnastics) (equates to National Champion) and was a Member of the Russian Federation National Sport Team (1990-1991).


20140910 Takizawa

The Institute of Sport Science had a visitor from Japan in September. From April 2009 to March 2012 Prof. Takizawa was the dean of the faculty of education, University of Chiba. Currently, he is Vice Chairman of the Japan Society for Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education. His research interests are the phenomenological observation of body and movement. A theme is the "logic of human movement."

Rafa _ Stemplewski

As part of the ERASMUS staff exchange we had a visit of PD. Dr. Rafał Stemplewski from the University School of Physical Education, Poznań, Poland. He gave several key-notes in various lectures and a public research presentation in the open lab: "The effect of low and moderate intensity physical
exercise on postural control among elderly "!

Evelize Quitzau Kl

Miss Evelise Quitzau was a guest at the work area of Physical Education / Sports History (Prof. Dr. Michael Kruger) in the winter semester 2013/14. Since 2006, Ms. Quitzau is doing research on German Gymnastics in Brazil. Her master's thesis was on the gymnastics clubs in the city of São Paulo. The PhD thesis is about German gymnastic societies, between the end of the 19th Century and mid-20th Century which were founded in South and Southeast Brazil and the club life in these German colonies.


Andrea Petroczi Klhp

Frau Prof. Dr. Andrea Petroczi (Kingston University London) visited the Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences from May, 5th to May, 7th, 2013. She held a lecture on doping and trust.

Necati Cerrahoglu Klhp

Dr. Necati Cerrahoğlu, head of the department of sport management and a director of the Sports Academy of the Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universität (Türkei) visited the Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences from 29th of April until 3rd of May 2013 with the Erasmus-Staff-Exchange program. His main topics are sports media and sports journalism and sports economics and sports management.


As part of the world wide DAAD scientist exchange, Prof. Dr. Choi of the University of Sogang, Seoul, Korea (Professor for Exercise Physiology, Director of International Affairs at Korea Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (KAHPERD)) visited the institute of sports and exercise sciences for five months,  from 27th of August onwards. He gave several scientific talks and worked on common projects during his stay.


Niehaus Kl

Professor Andreas Niehaus gave a presentation on the topic „Jigorô Kanô and Janpan’s entry into the olympic movement“ during Prof. Krüger’s research colloquium (in July) . Prof. Andreas Niehaus is one of the best scientists in the field of Japanese sport and physical culture and teaches at the University of Gent at the Institute of Japanese culture and languages. Besides his scientific knowledge he is actively involved in Japanese material arts and holds a black belt in Shôtôkan-Karatedô as well as in Aikidô.

Portrait Markus Gerber Klhp

Markus Gerber, PhD, of the University of Basel gave an insight into the topic Sport, Stress and Health within the framework of the seminar “Stress and burnout in school, club and sport” lead by Prof. Dr. Maike Tietjens and Dennis Dreiskämper on February 10th and 11th 2012. He especially presented the stress management program EPHECT, which was developed by him for physical education. During his research Markus Gerber focuses on topics such as stress resilience through sport, motivational and volitional aspects of behaviorism as well as on the composition of psycho- social resources through sport.

Christophe Brissonneau Kl

In February 2012 the renowned French doping scientist Dr. Christophe Brissonneau gave a lecture on the topic “doping” during Prof. Dr. Michael Krüger´s research colloquium. Christophe Brissonneau is a lecturer and scientist at the University Paris Descartes and is known as one of the best scientist in the field of French and International doping history.


Borja Garcia Garcia, PhD, of the University of Loughborough visited the Institute of Sport Science from January 17th to January 20th, 2010. Dr. Garcia Garcia is a lecturer on sport management and policy at the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Science (SSEHS) and works together with J-Prof. Henk Erik Meier of the Department of Social Sciences of Sports. He is a consultant of the European parliament, UEFA and of the English football league according to European political queries and he is charter member of the Association for the Study of Sport and the European Union.



Chia-ju Yen

Chia-Ju Yen of National Taiwan Sport University/Taipei City/Taiwan,  joined the department of Sports History. Her main research interests are gender studies.

 _zdemi Klein

Frau Dr. Neş'e ŞAHİN ÖZDEMİR of Ankara University, School of Physical Education and Sport, visited the Institute of Sport Science form October, 2th until October 28th, 2011 as a part of Erasmus Staff Exchange program.

Clare Macmahon Hp.gif.jpeg

Clare MacMahon, PhD, from Victoria University Melbourne joined the department of sport psychology from beginning September 2011 until the end of November 2011. She collaborated with Jörg Schorer, Prof. Bernd Strauß and Linda Schücker. Her research interests are in the areas of complex decision making, expertise, visual perception and anticipation.

Baker Photo Kl

Joe Baker, Canadian guest professor from Toronto, gave a lecture on January 21st 2011 on the exciting and informative topic “what do we really know about athlete development?”. Prof. Joe Baker of the York University Toronto, Canada, will be in Muenster from January til March 2011 within the framework of his guest professorship at the University of Münster.