© Ifs

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The Institute of Sport Science wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025!

We are looking forward to an exciting year 2025 with special events such as the 100th anniversary of the Institute of Sport Science.

© dsj

Results of the Move4Health Follow-up Study 2024

In 2024, the quantitative study of the Move For Health project on the potential of sport and exercise for healthy growing from 2023 was continued. The data collection was funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. The study is part of the Move For Health campaign of the German Sports Youth. On December 3rd, initial results of the nationwide representative survey were presented to the German Sports Youth. Further publications are currently being prepared. From the University of Münster, Dr. Lena Henning and Eva Göttlich are involved in the project.

© Wilma Walles

Students in the teaching program for special educational need successfully conducted motor assessment

As part of the seminar "Methods of psychomotor diagnostics", third semester students in special education teaching (Lehramt für sonderpädagogische Förderung) conducted motor assessments at the Eylardus School, a state-recognised special needs school for children, focusing on social and emotional development. The project was conducted together with the KreisSportBund Grafschaft Bentheim e.V. Currently, the children’s motor performance is being analyzed and the results will be reported back to the school shortly.

© Dr. Kathrin Kohake

Workshop on third-party funding as part of the NFI

On December 4, a practice-oriented workshop on third-party funding took place at the Institute of Sports Science. As part of the institute's internal junior researcher funding initiative (NFI), 15 doctoral students gained valuable insights into research funding. Dr. Schmidt and Dr. Verlage from SAFIR provided the participants with specific skills in the areas of funding opportunities, application and research. The workshop provided an opportunity to learn important strategies for academic career development. Special thanks to SAFIR for the informative and inspiring exchange for our doctoral students.

© E.Boll

Sponsorship award from the city of Münster for Eike Boll's climbing project

The climbing project of the Institute of Sports Science, the University Hospital Münster and the Children's Cancer Aid Münster e.V. was honored as a special project for children and young people at the award ceremony for the Citizens' Prize of the City of Münster. The special feature: Children and young people between the ages of 8 and 18 decide on the funding of the individual projects in the newly founded funding forum of the city of Münster. The climbing project was the only project to receive the maximum amount of funding.

© Barbara Halberschmidt

Visit to SC Preußen and Uni Baskets

Last week, Barbara Halberschmidt and Laura van de Loo's MA “Dual Career” seminar was able to take a look behind the scenes at SC Preußen. Sören Weinfurtner gave the course the opportunity to view various premises and watch the U19 team in training. One day later, the group returned to Berg Fidel to accept an invitation from the Uni Baskets. There, the group watched an exciting game against the Kirchheim Knights.
We say THANK YOU to everyone involved!


Recognition of Sportpatenprojekt and Dr. Marie Ghanbari

The University of Münster's sports mentoring project was highlighted as a forward-looking educational model at the OECD Global Forum on the Future of Education and Skills 2030 (10 to 13 October) in Japan. Dr Marie Ghanbari, initiator of the project from the Sports Psychology department, contributed her expertise in a separate article on empathy training, as reported by the Westfälische Nachrichten newspaper, among others.

© Active Ageing Lab

“PA4Age” celebrates successful final event in Treviso

The Erasmus project “PA4Age” was successfully completed with an international conference in Treviso, Italy on November 7, 2024. The project partners were able to present the developed learning platform and app on the topic of motivation and active ageing to numerous interested professionals from the sports and health sector as well as older adults.