© Medienlabor IfS

IFS Roundnet Tournament

Once again this year, the Roundnet Seminar is organising a Roundnet Tournament together with the Sportevenmanagement Seminar, including a raffle and a self-organised flea market.
The tournament will take place on 29 June 2024 on pitch 2 of the campus grounds.


© Uni Münster

The UniMS Centre for Europe

The UniMS Centre for Europe has appointed Michael Brach to the ‘EU Mentoring Network’. It aims to identify suitable young scientists, encourage them to apply for ERC starting grants and support them. The ‘Class of 2024’ covers a broad spectrum from chemistry to education. Soon to include sports science?

© Franca Porsch

Roundtable of the "Sportpaten"-project

The roundtable of the University of Münster's project "Sportpaten" met at the Mathilde Anneke School on May 16, 2024, with OECD Education Director Andreas Schleicher in attendance. The one-to-one sports sponsorship and sporting activity offers the opportunity to develop courage, opportunities for change and the skills to develop one's own cognitive, social-emotional resources.

© H.Leineweber

WiRe-Fellow visits the Dep. of Education and Culture in Sport

Dr. Maria Campos from the University of Coimbra (Portugal) came to visit the IfS to coincide with the Special Olympics State Games, most of which took place at the University Sports Campus. Maria Campos is one of this year's fellows of the Women in Research (WiRE) program of the University of Münster. Together with JProf. Dr. Helga Leineweber, Dep. Education and Culture, she is conducting the project "Fostering Physical Education 4 All Abilities". This transnational project aims at analyzing the self-efficacy of prospective physical education teachers in Portugal and Germany in order to develop professional skills in inclusive settings.

© Lena Henning

Research day on the occasion of the Special Olympics NRW State Games

A research day was held on Wednesday, 22 May, to mark the start of the Special Olympics NRW state games. The event, which was jointly organized by the Department of Education and Culture in Sport (Prof. Dr. Helga Leineweber) and the Department of Sport Psychology (Dr. Lena Henning) in cooperation with the Willibald Gebhardt Institute, aimed to bring together different stakeholders in the field of sport for people with intellectual or multiple disabilities. Scientists and students from Leipzig, Münster, Stuttgart and Graz not only gave presentations on current teaching concepts and research findings, but also discussed practical implications and further research and development needs with representatives from Special Olympics Germany and some state associations as well as athletes, coaches and supervisors. The event was supported by Unfallkasse NRW.
We would like to thank you for the exciting exchange and the stimulating discussions.

© Sebastian Salomon

Limits and dissolving boundaries in sports education

The 37th annual conference of the sports education section of the German Association for Sports Science took place at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Essen under the title “Limits and dissolving boundaries in Sports Education”. A total of four days were spent discussing issues of social disadvantage, non-professional physical education, the digitalization of school sport and much more. The Institute was comprehensively represented with the departments of education and culture in sport, physical education and teaching research and sport psychology.

© Deutscher Sportlehrerverband

Sponsorship award for the best university thesis in the subject of sport

This year, the German Sports Teachers' Association DSLV (NRW state association), in cooperation with Unfallkasse NRW, is once again awarding the prize for the best university thesis in the subject of sport. The prize is awarded to both Bachelor's and Master's theses and is endowed with a total of €3,000.
We encourage all students with outstanding theses in the above-mentioned subject area to take part. The prerequisite for application is a grade of 1.0 or 1.3 for the submitted thesis (please enclose proof). You can find more details in the announcement text or under this link.