© Emil Richelmann (IFS Medienlabor)


The Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences consists of six departments: Education and Teaching in sports, Movement Science, Neuromotor & Training, Social Sciences, Education and Culture, and Sport and Exercise Psychology, which teach and research in sports science from different perspectives.

© AB Bildung & Unterricht

Physical Education and Teaching Research

Our department addresses the production of sport didactical processes in curricular and extra-curricular sport settings. In particular our profile targets the promotion of children and adolescents in the field of motion, play and sports. 

© DSHS Köln/Presse und Kommunikation

Education and culture in sports

In teaching and research, we deal with sports pedagogical issues that primarily relate to school sports, i.e. to physical education and other extracurricular activities (e.g. class trips with a sports focus, physical activity programs in all-day programs, etc.) that complement or deepen physical education pedagogically.

Movement Science

The Department of Movement Science represents two research and teaching divisions; biomechanics - characterized by natural and physical sciences - and kinematics as a motoric aligned technical discipline.

Neuromotor behavior and exercise

Our main research fieds are motor development, motor learning and movement control over the life span, the connection between motor and cognitive performance and the importance of motor skills for lifelong learning.

Social Sciences of Sports

We do research on the role of sport in contemporary societies, its changes and functions, and aim to make informed guesses about the future of sport.

© AB Sportpsychologie

Sport & Exercise Psychology

In our department we study the human behavior and cognition in sports (causes, conditions, objectives) and try to predict and influence the behavior of athletes.

Former departments

© Emanuel Hübner

Sport Pedagogy and Sport History

We concentrate on the one hand on sport historical research, current projects are e.g. the history of doping or soccer. On the other hand, we continue our tradition of sport pedagogical and anthropoligical issues such as exploring the role of competition or of the body in the culture.