Manfred KrafftManfred Krafft
© Uni MS - SP

Comeback in sight? What Corona means for the German economy

Interview with Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft

The German economy collapsed at record speed in the second quarter due to the corona crisis. Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft, Director of the Institute for Marketing, answers in a podcast how long it will take to get back on its feet. At the same time, he explains how such a slump is actually calculated, what psychological consequences the crisis will have and how a possible second wave of infection would affect the economy.

Jana WeißJana Weiß
© Uni MS - SP

Racism, divisions and unrest in the USA - new, old problems?

Interview with Dr. Jana Weiß

Donald Trump or Joe Biden: Probably never before have the presidential elections in the USA been of such great interest as this year, because the country is currently fighting several crises at once. In addition to the Corona pandemic and its economic effects, since the death of the African-American George Floyd, society has been preoccupied above all with a heated debate on racism. In the podcast, historian Dr. Jana Weiß from the Chair of Modern and Contemporary History sums up current developments and the upcoming elections in the USA in terms of the country's history.

Stephan LudwigStephan Ludwig
© Uni MS - SP

Pandemics - a global problem for the future?

Interview with Prof. Dr. Stephan Ludwig

Infectious diseases are increasingly spreading from animals to humans. Such so-called zoonoses can - as is the case with the corona virus - be the trigger for worldwide pandemics. Prof. Dr. Stephan Ludwig, head of the Institute of Molecular Virology at WWU, talks about the reasons for this development in a podcast. The virologist and zoonoses expert also explains what politics, economy and the population can do to prevent future outbreaks.

Bernhard MarschallMarschall _1 Von 1_
© Uni MS - SP

Tough competition and much desired - medical studies

Interview with Prof. Dr. Bernhard Marschall

Medicine is one of the programs with the highest number of applicants - not only at Münster University. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Marschall, Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Medicine, talks in a podcast about why medical studies are so popular, what makes good applicants stand out and how fair the admission procedure is. At the same time, he explains how the study programme at the University of Münster is structured, what consequences the new licensing regulations will have and what makes a good doctor.

Prof. Anne MilekProf. Anne Milek
© Uni MS - SP

How does Corona influence couples and families?

Interview with Prof. Anne Milek

Contact restrictions, school closures, home office - the Corona pandemic has changed our lives in many areas in recent months and is affecting couples and families in particular. The special situation offers opportunities and risks. Prof. Dr. Anne Milek, holder of the Chair of Couple and Family Psychology - the only one of its kind in Germany - explains what these are in a podcast. She also provides insights into current research projects.

Andreas HenselAndreas Hensel
© Uni MS - SP

Medicinal plants: Increasing demand for healing powers from nature

Whether Gingko, St. John's wort or hawthorn - many things that grow in the garden can have a healing effect on health. Prof. Dr. Andreas Hensel is Managing Director of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Phytochemistry at Münster University. In the podcast, he explains how effective natural substances are, where they can be used and what role they could possibly play in the treatment of corona viruses in the future. The pharmacist also gives an overview of the areas in which natural substances are used outside medicine.

Max Dornseiff and Alyssa Schmitz Max Dornseiff and Alyssa Schmitz
© privat

Special: Studying in times of Corona

Interview with Max Dornseiff and Alyssa Schmitz

What is it like to study during the corona crisis? What worries do students have? What do new online formats for teaching at WWU look like? Alyssa is studying German Studies and Music Pedagogy in her second semester, Max Sport and History in his eighth semester. In the podcast they report on how they perceive the current situation, what their digital summer semester at the University of Münster will look like and what effects corona will have on their studies.

Prof. André KarchProf. André Karch
© Uni MS - SP

How epidemiological findings help to understand the corona virus

Interview with Prof. André Karch

Since the beginning of November, Germany is in lockdown light - are the restrictions too light? André Karch, Deputy Director of the Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine and Head of Clinical Epidemiology at Münster University, evaluates the current security measures to contain the pandemic. He also explains how epidemiological findings and models can provide clues to the spread of the virus, which statistical indicators are currently important and which new ideas such as contact diaries or the targeted isolation of risk groups are useful.

Helene RichterHelene Richter
© Uni MS - SP

Animal welfare, animal protection and reproducibility in animal experimental research (Prof. Dr. Helene Richter)

Interview with Prof. Dr. Helene Richter

Animal experiments are controversial in society. Helene Richter is Professor of Behavioural Biology and Animal Protection - her research aims to improve the conditions in laboratory experiments for the benefit of animals. In the podcast, she explains what is actually meant by animal experimental research, which methods are used to determine animal welfare, which factors improve the reproducibility of animal experiments and how strict German legislation - compared to other European countries - is in this area.

Doris FuchsDoris Fuchs
© Uni MS - SP

How can the transformation to sustainability succeed?

Interview with Prof. Dr. Doris Fuchs

Sustainability is a frequently used term that is used in many contexts. What does it actually mean in particular? Prof. Dr. Doris Fuchs is holder of the Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development and speaker of the Center for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research of the WWU. In the podcast, she talks about how sustainability can be defined, how sustainability can succeed and what distinguishes sustainable consumption.

Prof. Johannes WesselsProf. Johannes Wessels
© Uni MS - SP

Münster University and Corona - Start into the second digital semester

Interview with Prof. Johannes Wessels

At the end of October, the Münster University switched to "restricted operations" - for the second time. As was the case last summer semester, most teaching now takes place digitally. Rector Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels answers in a podcast what this means for students and especially for first-year students, whether there is hope for classroom teaching in the current winter semester, and how the decisions on corona measures will be made. He also provides insights into the work of the crisis management teams, summarizes of the past semester and explains what would happen in the event of a shutdown. Finally, he describes the plans of the University of Münster for the further handling with its eponym, Kaiser Wilhelm II.

Maximilian KoyMaximilian Koy
© privat

Special: Research in times of Corona

Interview with Maximilian Koy

How can research continue during the corona crisis when the university is in limited operation, laboratories are not accessible and libraries are closed? Maximilian Koy is a PhD student in the research group of Prof. Frank Glorius at the Organic Chemistry Institute. In the podcast, he talks about how he experiences the current situation as a scientist, how his research group is organized and how he uses the time effectively for his doctorate.

Detlef PollackDetlef Pollack
© Uni MS - Brigitte Heeke

30 years of German unity - the process of reunification

Interview mit Prof. Dr. Detlef Pollack

Where do we stand after 30 years of reunification? Prof. Detlef Pollack, sociologist of religion and deputy speaker of the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics", pursues this question in a podcast. He focuses in particular on the role, self-image and political influence of East Germans from the peaceful revolution to the present day. Aspects that he also highlights in his recent publication "Das unzufriedene Volk".

Arne Beyer and Daniel WinzerArne Beyer and Daniel Winzer
© privat

Special: Medical students in action against corona

Interview with Arne Beyer and Daniel Winzer

In recent weeks, the Faculty of Medicine of the WWU has launched the MediCOVID program in the fight against the coronavirus: Several hundred students have been involved in the fight against the corona pandemic after having received appropriate training. Two of them are Arne Beyer and Daniel Winzer, who currently support the corona patient care at the University Hospital Münster. In the podcast, the two medical students report on how they were prepared for this, what their daily routine on the ward looks like and how they personally perceive the current corona crisis.