Münster University Internationalisation Fund

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© Pexels - Mikhail Nilov

In its Internationalisation Strategy the University of Münster has defined strategic objectives to strengthen its international alignment. In this connection, the Rectorate makes funding available every year through the Internationalisation Fund in order to support or facilitate initiating international activities undertaken by departments, institutes and any other institutions at the University.

Applications to the Internationalisation Fund are no longer possible for activities in 2024. The next application deadline is October 15 for activities taking place in 2025.

Funding through the Internationalisation Fund

Allocations from the Internationalisation Fund can be used to finance measures or activities which serve to initiate or further develop international contacts. The Internationalisation Fund is divided into 5 funding lines:

  1. Travel allowance for the initiation or intensification of international partnerships
  2. Projects to promote
    1. internationalisation of teaching
    2. internationalisation at Home
  3. Financing for visits in Münster by international researchers and lecturers
    1. Visiting Academics programme of the University of Münster (Fellowships)
      Guidelines on awarding Münster University Fellowships
    2. University contribution in addition to the contribution of the faculty to the  DAAD Visiting Lectureship programme [de] (Model A - Individual Funding only)
  4. Grants for organising international conferences or meetings at the University of Münster or abroad for which the applying institution is (co-)organiser
  5. Grants for continuing education measures on internationalisation (in Germany only, preferably DAAD/iDA [de] and HRK)

Further information on the funding lines of the Internationalisation Fund and the application procedure can be found in the Goals and Guidelines for the Internationalisation Fund.


Application formalities

When making an application, please use the application form of the Münster University Internationalisation Fund:

Please send applications to: internationalisierungsfonds@uni-muenster.de

Application form

Application deadlines October 15th (main application round for activities in the following year) and
March 15th ( follow-up application round for the current year)
After completion of the activities being funded, a final report must be written: Final report

Resources will only be made available from the Internationalisation Fund if no regular funding is possible (e.g. from resources allocated to departments for start-up financing, resources from other central funds) or if third-party funding is available. This means that the following measures and activities CANNOT be financed through the Internationalisation Fund:

Measures not eligible for funding

Alternative methods of funding

Scholarships for students (incoming and outgoing), funding for individual research stays or attending conferences abroad DAAD scholarship programmes, ERASMUS, PROMOS, students’ research projects,
Santander-Mobility Fund
Funding for individual research stays or attending conferences abroad Information from SAFIR advice on applying for external funding for projects
Funding for lectures held by foreign researchers in Münster Individual departments are responsible for the relevant funds
Travel to initiate partnerships or for the purpose of teaching and further education within the EU ERASMUS mobility funding [de] for researchers, teachers, non-academic staff