Tenure track

The University of Münster continuously strives to support young academics by providing transparent and dependable working conditions and viable career paths. To this end, it has established a new associate professorship (Juniorprofessur) model with a tenure track for excellent academics while taking into account the various disciplinary cultures at the University. The University is particularly keen to increase the proportion of women in attractive positions, achieve equal opportunities, promote internationality and expand target group-specific personnel development measures for all academics.

To attract highly qualified (international) academics, a tenure-track regulation was added to the University of Münster's existing appointment regulations in October 2018. This guarantees a permanent professorship after successful completion of a fixed-term probationary period.

Tenure track model
  • Tenure track model

    In the tenure track model, academics are initially employed on a temporary basis, but are immediately given a permanent professorship after a successful probationary phase. As a rule, the entire process lasts six years and is accompanied by two transparent evaluations.

    For the first step, the appointment procedure, an international call for applications is initially planned. In agreement with the respective department, the equipment, remuneration and performance requirements are negotiated on the basis of the teaching and research concept. The Tenure Board is informed of the corresponding performance requirements.

    After three years, the interim evaluation is initiated by the department. A self-evaluation report must be prepared on the basis of the defined performance requirements. The self-evaluation report is reviewed by an evaluation committee of the faculty, the Tenure Board and the Rectorate. A decision on the continuation of employment is made on the basis of this evaluation. Family responsibilities, for example, are taken into account and included in the agreement on individual extension options.

    After a further three years, the department initiates the final evaluation. For this purpose, an appointment committee is set up in the department, which reports to the Senate of the University of Münster on the basis of the self-evaluation report and together with the Tenure Board. Following a favourable decision by the Senate, the appointment is made by the Rector. This is associated with an offer of salary and equipment as well as a lifetime appointment.

    In the event of a negative evaluation, a bridging period of one year is provided for.

  • Tenure Board

    The central Tenure Board acts as the most important instrument of quality assurance in the tenure track model at the University of Münster. This board has the task of guaranteeing transparent, fair and independent procedures and thus ensuring a high standard of performance. The Board is made up of professorial members from the 15 faculties and has extensive experience in research, teaching and self-administration.

    You can find the current members here.

Young Professors Programme (YPP)

The Young Professors Programme (YPP) is an accompanying, advanced training programme for highly-qualified junior academics which promotes individual career and personality development.