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Anti-procrastination training for students

  •     “Procrastination”?
  •     Study stress?
  •     Writer's block?

The exam is getting closer and closer, you should have started your Bachelor's thesis by now... and you're busy with things like cleaning, Netflix and social media. Time is getting tighter and tighter. The pressure is increasing... Does this sound familiar?

What we offer

In addition to diagnostics, the procrastination outpatient clinic offers treatment in individual settings and in small groups with a maximum of 6 participants. This offer is aimed at people who are interested in acquiring learning material in good time and being efficient when preparing for exams or writing. In the five sessions, you can learn to observe your working behavior in a targeted manner, develop realistic learning goals and stick to them more effectively.

All courses are free of charge and are not covered by health insurance. They are aimed at students from all faculties at the University of Münster who are preparing for an exam in the coming months or are busy writing a final paper or assignment.
We also offer special programs for students from the STEM subjects as part of the STEM project.

Are you interested?

Then please send an email with the subject “Anti-Procrastination Training” to