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In the procrastination outpatient clinic, we conduct studies to explain and treat pathological procrastination. We are interested in how frequently this disorder occurs, which characteristics of the life situation and personality it is associated with (e.g. depression, evaluation anxiety or perfectionism) and how it changes lifestyle. However, testing the effectiveness of our specially developed treatment concepts is particularly important to us.

Research contributions and results

An overview of our clinical work and research on procrastination can be found here:

  • Rist, F., Engberding, M., Hoecker, A., Wolf-Lettmann, J., & Fischbach, E. M. (2023). Diagnostic criteria to differentiate pathological procrastinators from common delayers: a re-analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1147401. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1147401
  • Höcker, A., Engberding, M. & Rist, F. (2017). Prokrastination: Ein Manual zur Behandlung des pathologischen Aufschiebens. Göttingen: Hogrefe, 2nd, updated and augmented edition. ISBN: 9783801728427.
  • Höcker, A., Engberding, M. & Rist, F. (2021). Heute fange ich wirklich an! Prokrastination und Aufschieben überwinden - Ein Ratgeber. Göttingen: Hogrefe, 2nd, unchanged edition. ISBN: 9783801731076.
  • Höcker, A., Engberding, M. & Rist, F. (2022). Prokrastination - Extremes Aufschieben. In: Fortschritte der Psychotherapie. Volume 84. Göttingen: Hogrefe. ISBN: 9783801730819.

Further information can be found in the following articles:

  • Essays/Articles

    • Engberding, M., Höcker, A. & Rist, F. (2017). Prokrastination. Ursachen, Auswirkungen, Behandlungsmodule. Psychotherapeut, 62, 417-421. DOI: 10.1007/s00278-017-0219-3
    • Rist, F., Pedersen, A., Höcker, A. & Engberding, M. (2011). Pathologisches Aufschieben und die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS). Psychotherapie im Dialog, 12, 217-220. DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1276879
    • Höcker, A. (2010). Effektive Behandlung von Prokrastination: Evaluation verschiedener Behandlungsmethoden. Dissertation, University Münster.
    • Glöckner-Rist, A., Engberding, M., Höcker, A. & Rist, F. (2009). Prokrastinationsfragebogen für Studierende (PFS). In A. Glöckner-Rist (Ed.), Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen. ZIS Version 13.00. Bonn: GESIS.
    • Glöckner-Rist, A., Westermann, S., Engberding, M., Höcker, A. & Rist, F. (2009). Gründe für das Aufschieben von Prüfungslernen (GAP). In A. Glöckner-Rist (Ed.), Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen. ZIS Version 13.00. Bonn: GESIS.
    • Höcker, A., Engberding, M., Beißner, J. & Rist, F. (2009). Reduktion von Prokrastination: Module zum pünktlichen Beginnen und realistischen Planen. Verhaltenstherapie, 19, 28-32. DOI: 10.1159/000202339
    • Höcker, A., Engberding, M., Beißner, J. & Rist, F. (2008). Evaluation einer kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutischen Intervention zur Reduktion von Prokrastination. Verhaltenstherapie, 18, 223-229. DOI: 10.1159/000167857
    • Patzelt, J. & Opitz, I. (2005a). Deutsche Version der Aitken Procrastination Scale (APS-d). In Glöckner-Rist, A. (Ed.). ZUMA-Informationssystem. Elektronisches Handbuch sozialwissenschaftlicher Erhebungsinstrumente. Version 8.00. Mannheim, Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen.
    • Patzelt, J. & Opitz, I. (2005b). Deutsche Version des Academic Procrastination State Inventory (APSI-d). In Glöckner-Rist, A. (Ed.). ZUMA-Informationssystem. Elektronisches Handbuch sozialwissenschaftlicher Erhebungsinstrumente. Version 8.00. Mannheim, Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen.
  • Short papers/Poster

    • Engberding, M., Thomas, L., Höcker, A., Haferkamp, J. E., Förster, S., Rist, F. & Buhlmann, U. (2017). Procrastination in clinical context: Prevalence and diagnostic findings in psychotherapy outpatients. Poster presented at the 10th Biennial Conference on Procrastination, July 13-14, 2017, Chicago.
    • Förster, S., Höcker, A., Engberding, M. & Rist, F. (2017). Procrastination beyond University?! - A comparison of students and working people. Poster presented at the 10th Biennial Conference on Procrastination, July 13-14, 2017, Chicago.
    • Haferkamp, J. E., Höcker, A., Engberding, M., Rist, F., Buhlmann, U. (2017). Does perfectionism combined with fear of failure lead to procrastination? Poster presented at the 10th Biennial Conference on Procrastination, July 13-14, 2017, Chicago.
    • Förster, S., Höcker, A., Engberding, M. & Rist, F. (2016). Prokrastination jenseits der Uni ?! - pathologisches Aufschieben bei Studierenden und Berufstätigen. Poster presented at the 34th Symposium of the expert group of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), May 04-07, 2016, Bielefeld.
    • Haferkamp, J., Höcker, A., Engberding, M. & Rist, F. (2016). Zwanghaft und trotzdem prokrastinieren? - Prokrastination, "Zwanghaftigkeit", Versagensangst und Stresserleben. Poster presented at the 34th Symposium of the expert group of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), May 04-07, 2016, Bielefeld.
    • Engberding, M., Haferkamp, J., Höcker, A., & Rist, F. (2015). Screening for procrastination and assessment of associated features by an internet-based self-test. Poster presented at the 9th Biennial Conference on Procrastination, July 09-10, 2015, Bielefeld, Germany.
    • Förster, S., Höcker, A., Engberding, M. & Rist, F. (2015). Überfachliche Qualifikation in einem Mentoring-Programm – die Rolle von Selbststeuerung und Selbstorganisation in der Studieneingangsphase. In: Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik (DiZ) DiNa-Sonderausgabe (Ed.): Tagungsband zum 2. HDMINT Symposium 2015. Print edition, ISSN 1612-4537. Ingolstadt, S. 262-263.
    • Beumler, J., Hönen, K., Höcker, A., Engberding, M. & Rist, F. (2013). Die Praxis der Behandlung studentischer Prokrastination: Arbeitsweise einer Spezialambulanz, Merkmale der Patienten und Behandlungserfolge. Poster presented at the 31st Symposium of the expert group of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), May 9 - 11, 2013, Trier.
    • Höcker, A., Schulte, J., Engberding, A., Engberding, M., Pudritz, I. & Rist, F. (2013). Wer nutzt einen internetbasierten Selbsttest für Prokrastination? Poster presented at the 31st Symposium of the expert group of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), May 9 - 11, 2013, Trier.
    • Frings, E., Beck, L., Krumm, K., Höcker, A., Engberding, M. & Rist, F. (2011). Routine clinical treatment for procrastinating students: Clinical routines established, characteristics of patients treated, and treatment success. Poster presented at the 7th Biennial Conference on Procrastination, July 22-23, 2011, Amsterdam.
    • Höcker, A., Haferkamp, R., Krumm, K., Engberding, M. & Rist, F. (2011). Focused clinical treatment of procrastination by means of working time-restriction. Poster presented at the 7th Biennial Conference on Procrastination, July 22-23, 2011, Amsterdam.
    • Krumm, K., Patzelt, J., Spieker, C., Frank, I., Engberding, M., Höcker, A. & Rist, F. (2011). Switching to the bachelor and master format in the German university system - does it affect procrastination? Poster presented at the 7th Biennial Conference on Procrastination, July 22-23, 2011, Amsterdam.
    • Raring, C., Krumm, K., Höcker, A., Engberding, M. & Rist, F. (2011). Measuring procrastination: A generic instrument assessing delaying, aversion and active distraction. Poster presented at the 7th Biennial Conference on Procrastination, July 22-23, 2011, Amsterdam.
    • Scheurle, C., Krumm, K., Schmukle, S. & Rist, F. (2011). Experience sampling of academic procrastination in students’ everyday life. Poster presented at the 7th Biennial Conference on Procrastination, July 22-23, 2011, Amsterdam.
    • Schulte, J., Höcker, A., Krumm, K., Engberding, M. & Rist, F. (2011). Utilisation of an internet based self test for procrastination. Poster presented at the 7th Biennial Conference on Procrastination, July 22-23, 2011, Amsterdam.
    • Beissner, J., Hoecker, A., Engberding, M. & Rist, F. (2007). Procrastination among students – Can a short-time group intervention help? Poster presented at the 5th World Congress of Behavior and Cognitive Therapies, July 12-14, 2007, Barcelona.
  • Lectures

    • Haferkamp, J. & Förster, S. (2018). Prokrastination – Pathologisches Aufschieben. Workshop held at the 14th Annual Psychotherapy Congress, October 13-14, 2018, Bochum.
    • Förster, S. (2017). Prokrastination – Pathologisches Aufschieben. Workshop held at the 13th Annual Psychotherapy Congress, October 14-15, 2017, Bochum.
    • Haferkamp, J. & Förster, S. (2016). Prokrastination – Pathologisches Aufschieben. Workshop held at the 12th Annual Psychotherapy Congress, October 22-23, 2016, Bochum.
    • Engberding, M. & Haferkamp, J.  (2015). Prokrastination – Pathologisches Aufschieben. Workshop held at the 11th Annual Psychotherapy Congress, October 17-18, 2015, Bochum.
    • Haferkamp, J., Höcker, A., Engberding, M. & Rist, F. (2015). Treatment of procrastination. Presentation given at the 9th Biennial Conference on Procrastination, July 09-10, 2015, Bielefeld.
    • Höcker, A., Engberding, M. & Rist, F. (2015). Treatment of procrastination - Evaluation of different treatment methods. Presentation given at the 9th Biennial Conference on Procrastination, July 09-10, 2015, Bielefeld.
    • Engberding, M. & Haferkamp, J. (2014). Prokrastination – Pathologisches Aufschieben. Workshop held at the 10th Annual Psychotherapy Congress, October 18-19, 2014, Bochum.
    • Höcker, A. (2013). Prokrastination – Pathologisches Aufschieben. Workshop held at the 9th Annual Psychotherapy Congress, October 19-20, 2013, Bochum.
    • Engberding, M., Frings, E., Höcker, A., Wolf, J. & Rist, F. (2011). Is procrastination a symptom or a disorder like other Axis-1-disorders in the DSM? Steps towards delineating a case definition. Presentation given at the 7th Biennial Conference on Procrastination, July 22-23, 2011, Amsterdam.
    • Engberding, M. (2011). Prokrastination – Pathologisches Aufschieben. Workshop held at the 8th Annual Psychotherapy Congress, October 22-23, 2011, Bochum.
    • Höcker, A. (2011). Prokrastination – Pathologisches Aufschieben. Workshop held at the 8th Annual Psychotherapy Congress, October 22-23, 2011, Bochum.
    • Rist, F., Glöckner-Rist, A., Höcker, A. & Engberding, M. (2011). Procrastination and adult Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder: Two sides of the same coin? Presentation given at the 7th Biennial Conference on Procrastination, July 22-23, 2011, Amsterdam.
    • Beck, L. & Frings, E. (2010). „Aber morgen fange ich wirklich an!“ Prokrastination – Befunde und Behandlung. Presentation given at the 26th Congress for Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counseling of the DGVT. March 05-09, 2010, Berlin.
    • Engberding, M. (2010). Prokrastination – Pathologisches Aufschieben. Workshop held at the 7th Annual Psychotherapy Congress, October 23-24, 2010, Bochum.
    • Höcker, A. (2010). Prokrastination – Pathologisches Aufschieben. Workshop held at the 7th Annual Psychotherapy Congress, October 23-24, 2010, Bochum.
    • Rist, F., Glöckner-Rist, A., Höcker, A. & Engberding, M. (2010). Prokrastination und ADHS: Prävalenz und Zusammenhang bei Studierenden. Presentation given at the 28th Symposium of the Division of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), May 13-15, 2010, Mainz.
    • Engberding, M., Höcker, A. & Rist, F. (2009). Kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutische Behandlungsmodule zur Reduktion von Prokrastination. Presentation given at the 12th Symposium on Educational Psychology of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), September 7-9, 2009, Saarbrücken.
    • Engberding, M., Höcker, A., Nieroba, S. & Rist, F. (2008). Lernzeitrestriktion in der Behandlung von Prokrastination. Presentation given at the 26th Symposium of the Division of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), May 1-3, 2008, Potsdam.
    • Höcker, A. & Engberding, M. (2008). Pathologisches Aufschieben. „Aber Morgen fange ich wirklich an!“. Prokrastination als zentrales Problem bei psychischen Störungen. Workshop held at the Annual Psychotherapy Congress, October 25-26, 2008, Bochum.
    • Höcker, A., Engberding, M., Beißner, J. & Rist, F. (2008). Realistische Planung und Pünktliches Beginnen: Wirksamkeit eines Trainingsprogramms zur Reduktion von Prokrastination. Presentation given at the 26th Symposium of the Division of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), May 1-3, 2008, Potsdam.
    • Rist, F., Engberding, M., Höcker, A. (2008). Prokrastination: schlechte Gewohnheit oder psychische Störung? Presentation given at the 26th Symposium of the Division of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), May 1-3, 2008, Potsdam.
    • Rist, F., Höcker, A., Deters, B. & Engberding, M. (2008). „Aber morgen fange ich wirklich an!“ Prokrastination: Symptome, Risikofaktoren und Auswirkungen. Presentation given at the 26th Symposium of the Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Section of the DGPs, May 1-3, 2008, Potsdam.
    • Engberding, M. & Höcker, A. (2007). Pathologisches Aufschieben. Prokrastination als zentrales Problem bei psychischen Störungen. Workshop held at the 25th Symposium of the Division of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the German Society of Psychology (DGPs), May 17-19, 2007, Tübingen.