Literature & links on procrastination

Here you will find book tips on topics such as learning, exam anxiety or procrastination as well as links to further support services at the University of Münster.

Here you can find out about publications that have been published by the staff of the Procrastination Outpatient Clinic.

Book cover I
© hogrefe
Book cover II
© hogrefe

Literature on procrastination

Further Literature

  • Schuster, M. (2014). Optimal vorbereitet in die Prüfung. Erfolgreiches Lernen, richtiges Prüfungsverhalten, Angstbewältigung (2nd, updated and expanded edition). Göttingen: Hogrefe. Göttingen: Hogrefe
  • Metzig, Werner & Schuster, Martin (2009). Prüfungsangst und Lampenfieber: Bewertungssituationen vorbereiten und meistern. Berlin: Springer.
  • Kruse, O. (2007). Keine Angst vor dem leeren Blatt – Ohne Schreibblockaden durchs Studium. Frankfurt: Campus.

Cooperations and further links

External offers for psychotherapy

If you are interested in psychotherapy, we would like to refer you to the homepage of the Psychotherapy Outpatient Clinic at the University of Münster.

In addition, there are other specialized outpatient clinics at the University of Münster for the treatment of

You can find out more about the services offered by the Student Advice and Counselling Centre at the University of Münster at

Contact person for procrastination in Düsseldorf
After 10 years of project management in our procrastination outpatient clinic, Anna Höcker now works as a freelance coach and psychotherapist in her own private practice in Düsseldorf. She is available there as a contact person and expert on procrastination and work disorders:

Dr. Anna Höcker
Coaching | Supervision
Kapellstr. 6
40479 Düsseldorf
Phone: 0174 450 33 81

Further pages on procrastination

TED Talk on the topic of procrastination