Scientific head of special outpatient clinic for procrastination © buhlmannProf. Dr. Ulrike BuhlmannPsychological psychotherapistto the page of Prof. Dr. Buhlmann
Coordination and therapeutic team© försterDipl.-Psych. Stephan FörsterPsychological psychotherapistHead psychologistto the page of Dipl.-Psych. Förster© PTADipl.-Psych. Juliane Kunert (derzeit in Mutterschutz)Psychological psychotherapist© BrustatM.Sc. Rabea BrustatPsychological psychotherapistto the page of M.Sc.Brustat
Associated employees© engberdingDipl.-Psych. Margarita EngberdingPsychological psychotherapistto the page of Dipl.-Psych. EngberdingProf. a. D. Dr. Fred RistPsychological psychotherapist© Jacqueline StrobJacqueline Strob
Former employees Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Jonathan Barenberg M.Sc. Psych. Lorena Hüseman M.Sc. Psych. Laura Thomas Dipl.-Psych. Julia Elen Haferkamp (geb. Beumler) Dr. Anna Höcker, Dipl.-Psych. Dipl.-Psych. Lena Reinken (geb. Beck) Dipl.-Psych. Eva Frings Dipl.-Psych. Katrin Hönen Dipl.-Psych. Karoline Krumm