Treatments offered by the procrastination outpatient clinic

many books and woman putting her head on the desk

Special offers and information

On the following pages you will find special offers and information from our outpatient clinic:

Anti-procrastination training for students

Procrastination German self-test

STEM.project - offers for students, lecturers, advisors and colleagues

Recommendations for those affected

Literature and links


Further offers

For other problems during your studies...

Do you have difficulties with the organization of your studies, are you interested in learning and working techniques or do you have other psychological problems in connection with your studies than pathological procrastination (e.g. orientation and decision-making problems, personal problems in connection with your studies, search for accompanying help during and after psychological crises)?
In these cases, we refer you to the services of the Student Advice and Counselling Centre.

If you have writing difficulties, you can take advantage of the writing advice offered by the Writing and Reading Center at the University of Münster.