Mathematics Münster

Dynamics – Geometry – Structure

Mathematics is a key technology for scientific and economic progress. New discoveries in mathematics are not only interesting in themselves, but they often lead to unexpected breakthroughs in other sciences as well.

We will tackle fundamentally important mathematical problems, viewing mathematics as an organic whole with countless interactions. The research in our Cluster of Excellence "Mathematics Münster" is unified by three major approaches: focusing on the underlying structure of a given problem, taking the geometric viewpoint and studying the relevant dynamics of group or semigroup actions. The theories which we will build will not only solve the problems under consideration but also many others of a similar nature; these theories will also raise exciting new questions.

© MM/vl

YMCN Spring School: Recent advances in SPDEs

24 – 28 March 2025

This workshop on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (SPDE) aims to provide an intensive series of lectures delivered by leading researchers in the field. Over the course of a week, young researchers will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of SPDE and foster scientific exchange. The goal is to stimulate collaboration and advance knowledge among junior researchers through expert-led sessions and interactive discussions.

© MM/Ralf Engbers

Groups and Geometry in North Rhine-Westphalia

25 April 2025

This is a series of meetings, with the aim of bringing together the geometric group theorists, topologists, and geometers in the North-Rhine Westphalia region of Germany.

© MM
© MM/Peter Leßmann

Open call: Full professorship in pure mathematics

Bridging the Gaps Chair

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster invite applications for a Professorship (W3 level) in Pure Mathematics, Bridging the Gaps Chair. We are seeking a mathematician with an exceptional international research profile whose work bridges different areas of mathematics and aligns with the research objectives of Mathematics Münster. Application deadline: 30 April 2025.

© MM/vl

Münster Research Fellow Alcides Buss visits Operator Algebra group

We welcome Prof. Dr. Alcides Buss (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is a distinguished researcher in the field of Operator Algebras. During his stay at our Cluster in February 2025, he will intensify his collaboration with the Operator Algebra group and many other researchers from Mathematics Münster.