Anna Davydova, M.A.

Research assistent in the cluster project VEsBa
Portrait of Anna Davydova
© IfK | Julian Wortmann

Department of Communication
Room 023
Leonardo-Campus 11
D-48149 Münster

Tel: +49 251 83-27457


Consultation hours

by individual arrangement

  • Short CV

    Anna Davydova studied communication science at the University of Münster. During her studies she worked as an academic tutor at the Department of Communication and as a student assistant in the DFG project "The Century of Journalism". In her empirical master's thesis, she used a sentiment analysis to investigate emotionalization in German political news coverage. Besides journalism research, her research interests also lie in research on disinformation campaigns, in exploring networks of new ideological movements and in computational methods. Since October 2023, she is a research assistant at the Online Communication department, which is headed by Prof. Dr. Thorsten Quandt.


    Research Article (Journal)

    • Birkner Thomas, Keute Annika, Davydova Anna. (). The digital turn from a newsroom perspective – How German journalists from different generations reflect on the digitalization of journalism. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism. doi:

    Scientific Talk

    • Brikner, Thomas; Keute, Annika; Davydova, Anna (): ‘"Change as Chance and Not as Crisis: How German Journalists Evaluate the Evolution From Analog to Digital Journalism"’. International Communication Association, Toronto, .