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Project starts second phase: When is a Like a Like 2.0?

(17.10.2024) Following the successful completion of the first project phase in 2022, the DFG-funded research project ‘When is a Like a Like?’ will be continued since September 2024 in the Digital Media & Computational Methods department.

In the second project phase, the project team led by Katharina Maubach and Jakob Jünger is investigating temporal processes of online communication. While the first phase of the project focussed on the meaning behind metrics such as likes and shares, the focus is now on different communication processes. Using new automated methods, (un)typical threads and comment processes are modelled as time and sequence series in order to identify, differentiate, describe and explain typical and atypical processes on online platforms. It is analysed which communication processes and sequences are typically to be expected on online platforms and which are to be classified as unusual. An inventory of temporal phenomena such as ‘shitstorms’, ‘candy storms’ or viral processes will be created from the knowledge gained.

In addition, the extent to which the different organisational methods and architectures of seven social media platforms are reflected in the visible temporal processes will be investigated. To this end, methods are being developed to visualise and analyse communication processes and sequences on online platforms.


Contact person public relations:
Dr. Stephan Völlmicke
Telefon: +49 251 83-23006
Telefax: +49 251 83-21310 (Geschäftszimmer IfK)