Interim Professor PD Dr. habil. Kathrin Müller
(01.04.2024) In the summer semester 2024, PD Dr. habil. Kathrin Friederike Müller joins the IfK as an interim professor for Communication Studies, while Prof Dr Volker Gehrau in on research sabbatical.
Kathrin Müller works on questions of media-related social change and mediatization - currently on the concept of highly dynamic mediatization and media-induced change in professional work due to the corona pandemic. Another focus of her work now is on the appropriation and use of the messenger Telegram and the question of how state-sceptical content is disseminated and appropriated through it. Other research interests include the domestication of digital media, gender studies in communication studies, cultural media studies and qualitative methods. While she was the spokesperson for the Media, Public Spheres and Gender section of DGPuK, she investigated the (gender-related) effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the work of communication scholars.
We are pleased to welcome Kathrin Müller back to the IfK after positions in Rostock, Stuttgart and Bremen and at the Centre for Advanced Internet Studies in Bochum. She already worked as a Post-Doc at the Institute from 2012 to 2020; in 2021 she completed her hablitiation at the University of Münster and has been associated with the IfK as a private lecturer ever since.
Contact person public relations:
Dr. Stephan Völlmicke
Telefon: +49 251 83-23006
Telefax: +49 251 83-21310 (Geschäftszimmer IfK)