Researchers at 65th Annual DGPuK Conference in Mannheim
(09.03.2020) From 10 to 12 March, the 65th annual conference of the German Society for Journalism and Communication Studies (DGPuK) will take place on the topic "#Mensch #Medien #Gesellschaft - Fragen und Antworten der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft in Zeiten rapiden Medienwandels" (#People #Media #Society - Questions and Answers of Communication and Media Studies in Times of Rapid Media Change). About 400 communication scientists will participate, among them also employees of the Münster Department of Communication (IfK).
The three-day DGPuK conference will take place at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (LMU) and is organized by the Institute for Communication Science and Media Research (IfKW).
In view of the great social significance of media communication, the speed of media change, medialization and mediatization, and the diversity of related issues, the conference aims to be a showcase for the current communication and media studies.
Therefore, unlike previous annual conferences, the Munich conference does not focus on a single topic. Instead, all communication scientists were invited to apply for the conference with the questions and findings that are currently the focus of their own work. The aim is to provide a conference programme that gives an overview of the entire spectrum of communication and media studies research in the German-speaking countries.
In numerous panels the participants of this year's annual conference will discuss these and other scientific questions, empirically and theoretically, with the following contributions by scientists of the IfK:
#Dark Inspiration? Eudaimonic entertainment in extremist Instagram posts
Lena Frischlich & Johanna Klapproth (WWU Münster)
Wer beherrscht die digitalisierte Öffentlichkeit? Reichweite und Themen alternativer
Nachrichtenmedien im Vorfeld der EU-Wahl 2019
Lena Frischlich, Tim Schatto-Eckrodt & Lena Adam (WWU Münster)
Wie normativ ist die Kommunikationswissenschaft? Ein inhaltsanalytischer Vergleich deutscher und internationaler Fachzeitschriftenaufsätze
Stephanie Geise (WWU Münster), Ulrike Klinger (FU Berlin), Melanie Magin (NTNU Trondheim), Kathrin Friederike Müller (WWU Münster), Cordula Nitsch (Universität Augsburg), Claudia Riesmeyer (LMU München), Liane Rothenberger (TU Ilmenau), Christina Schumann (TU Ilmenau), Annika Sehl (UniBW München), Cornelia Wallner (LMU München) & Arne Freya Zillich (Uni Jena)
Der Einfluss von Online-Meinungsführern auf die digitalisierte Meinungsbildung
Stephanie Geise (WWU Münster) & Nicole Podschuweit (Uni Erfurt)
Effekte situationsabhängiger Gratifikations- und Sanktionserwartungen auf die Meinungsäußerungsbereitschaft in Konfrontation mit politisch rechten Inhalten
Kira Klinger (WWU Münster)
Sex im Netz – Eine repräsentative Befragungsstudie zu Prävalenz und Korrelaten der suchtartigen Nutzung sexueller Internetinhalte
Lars-Ole Wehden, Felix Reer, Robin Janzik & Thorsten Quandt (WWU Münster)
Hate Speech, Desinformationen und Inzivilität: Die Moderation von negativen Nutzerinhalten in deutschen Redaktionen
Florian Wintterlin, Svenja Boberg, Tim Schatto-Eckrodt, Lena Frischlich & Thorsten Quandt (WWU Münster)
The DGPuK, founded in 1963, is the largest professional association for communication scientists* in the German-speaking world, which aims to achieve a sound knowledge transfer in research and practice. Currently, more than 1,000 members are organised in 19 thematic specialist groups, which hold internal conferences and workshops in addition to the joint annual conference.
In 2021, the annual conferences of DGPuK, SGKM and ÖGK will be held as a joint annual conference in Zurich.
Contact person public relations:
Dr. Stephan Völlmicke
Telefon: +49 251 83-23006
Telefax: +49 251 83-21310 (Geschäftszimmer IfK)