IfK represented with 25 contributions at 69th Annual ICA Conference in Washington
(22.05.2019) With the theme of “Communication Beyond Boundaries” the 69th annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference takes place in Washington D.C. from May 24th to May 28th. The Münster Department of Communication (IfK) is represented by some of its researchers with 25 contributions.
Following the theme of “Communication Beyond Boundaries” the conference addresses the role of communication and media in the crossing of social, political and cultural boundaries that characterize contemporary society, and encourages research that crosses the boundaries of research domains, of particular fields of research interest, and of academia and the outside world. In doing so, it touches on topics like the function of communication and media in issues like the Brexit, as well as the role communication and media can play in solving problems ranging from war to climate change to fake news.
In line with the central impulse of going beyond boundaries, researchers are encouraged to look beyond divisional and subdisciplinary boundaries. Crossing borders in their research is supposed to help to make full use of communication scholars’ insights into areas as diverse as bioethics, artificial intelligence, robotics and cryptocurrencies, as well as how to create more just and equal multicultural societies.
Framed by a total of 51 pre- and post-conferences the conference spans from May 23rd to May 29th. Among the accepted contributions for this year’s conference are XX by or with involvement of IfK researchers:
- Buzzword “Fake News“ - Analyzing how commenters of a leading news forum use the term fake news via automated content analysis
Svenja Boberg, Tim Schatto-Eckrodt, Florian Wintterlin, Thorsten Quandt - Between threat and panic: Journalists’ experiences with covert propaganda attacks before and during the Federal Election in Germany
Svenja Boberg, Florian Wintterlin, Tim Schatto-Eckrodt, Thorsten Quandt - Experimental Evidence Concerning the Effects of Disinformation on the Democratic Process
Felix Brinkschulte (WWU), Martin Becker (Advice Partners GmbH), Lena Frischlich (WWU) - Literature Review on Participatory Journalism
Katherine M. Engelke - Misinformation in Online Social Networks: Users’ Strategies in Trust and Credibility Evaluation
Isabelle Freiling - Who is affected by the disinformation order? Predicting the exposure to distorted information prior to the parliamentary election in Germany
Lena Frischlich, Florian Wintterlin, Tim Schatto-Eckrodt, Svenja Boberg, Lena Adam - What Follows ‘Fake News’? Effects of Alleged ‘Fake News’ Perception on Self- and Social- Related Follow-Up Participation
Stephanie Geise, Maria Hänelt, Pero Dosenovic - The Things We Fear – Using Automated Content Analysis to Uncover How UK and US Media Construct Fear over Time (1990-2017)
Valerie Hase, Kimon Kieslich, Katherine M. Engelke - Aural Parasocial Relations: Host-Listener Relationships in Podcasts
Imke Ronja Hedder, Daniela M. Schlütz (Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf) - Product Endorsement and Credibility in Social Media
Tino G. K. Meitz, Stefanie Holtrup (TU Dortmund) - An Experimental Revision of Heuristic and Systematic Information Processing of Search Engine-based Health Information
Tino G. K. Meitz, Sarah Kohler (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie), Klara Langmann (Uni Jena) - Practical Replication and Data Sharing examples
Tino G. K Meitz, Nehama Lewis (University of Haifa), Andrea Stevenson Won (Cornell University) - Norms of self-disclosure in a collapsed context: Norm negotiation and norm orientation among referent others on Facebook
Arne F. Zillich, Kathrin F. Müller - Investigating Problematic Social Media and Game Use in a Nationally Representative German Sample
Felix Reer, Ruth Festl (Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien), Thorsten Quandt - A representative study on prevalence rates and correlates of problematic smartphone use in Germany
Felix Reer, Lars-Ole Wehden, Robin Janzik - “Do you want to have sex?”: Tinder users’ intimate intrusive experiences
Wai Yen Tang, Alena Boettcher, Lina Kosch, Valentin Döring, Hannah Wobig, Thuy My Nghiem - The Dark Triad and video games addiction: The mediating role of video game motivations
Wai Yen Tang, Felix Reer - Inaccurate and Biased? A Representative Study of how Germans Perceive and Trust Their Media
Bernadette Uth, Bernd Blöbaum - Towards a Stronger Theoretical Grounding of Computational Communication Science: A Review of Tried and Tested Social Theories
Annie Waldherr, Stephanie Geise, Merja Mahrt (Uni Düsseldorf), Christian Katzenbach (FU Berlin), Christian Nuernbergk (Uni Trier) - Golden news?: Analysis of summarizing coverage of the Olympic Winter Games 2018 on German TV
Lars-Ole Wehden, Nathalie Schröer - Agile Cooperation between Companies and Communication Service Providers
Christian Wiencierz, Ulrike Röttger - Corrective Actions in the Information Disorder. Presumed Influence and the Countering of Distorted Information
Florian Wintterlin, Lena Frischlich, Svenja Boberg, Tim Schatto-Eckrodt, Felix Reer, Thorsten Quandt
Preconference “Critical Insidents in Journalism”
- A discussion about closeness, distance and power between journalism and politics in Germany. The example of the coverage of the European refugee-crisis
Sebastian Mallek, Thomas Birkner - Theory building in historical communication research and potential challenges posed by the inclusion of current actors
Sebastian Mallek, Thomas Birkner - The Spiegel-Affair 1962 – the incident that changed German journalism history
Sebastian Mallek, Thomas Birkner
The International Communication Association (ICA) was founded in 1950 and is associated with the United Nations as a non-governmental organization (NGO) since 2003. As a professional association with its headquarters in Washington D.C. and currently over 4.500 Members from 85 countries, the ICA is one of the most important scientific platforms for media- and communication research. The next annual conference 2020 will be held in Gold Coast (AUS).
Contact person public relations:
Dr. Stephan Völlmicke
Telefon: +49 251 83-23006
Telefax: +49 251 83-21310 (Geschäftszimmer IfK)