IfK-Researchers at 68th Annual ICA-Conference in Prague
(23.5.2018) In this year’s 68th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA,) takes place from May 24th to May 28th 2018 in Praque/Czech Republic. Researchers from the Münster Department of Communication (IfK) are taking part with 21 contributions.
The 2018 ICA conference’s under the title “Voices“ focuses on the concept of voice, a concept inextricably linked with communication, against the backdrop of evolving technologies and shifting sociocultural and political dynamics.
The significance of this concept is reflected in contemporary debates around domestic and transnational issues such as the environment and immigration. It also plays a critical role in numerous systems, regardless of whether these systems are bound interpersonally, organizationally, culturally, politically, or socially. Irrespective of the domain of study, the 2018 ICA annual conference theme Voices encourages scholars to address key questions related to theorizing about voice, the creation and representation of voice, the expression of voice and the impact of voice.
With 40 pre- and 2 post conferences, the conference will take place from May 22nd till May 29th 2017. The main conference will take place from May 25th till May 29th. Within these five days, the topic „Voices” will be discussed from different perspectives, and with theoretical and methodological approaches within the 32 divisions and interest groups of the ICA.
Among the accepted contributions, there are 21 by or with involvement of IfK-researchers:
- Trust in Journalistic Content: Exploring the Antecedents of Trust in Journalism on a Micro-Level
Laura Badura, Malte G. Schmidt, Florian Gessner (WWU Münster) - The entangled history of news formats in Germany and abroad
Thomas Birkner (WWU Münster) - Singling Out Voices in an Ocean of Noise
Svenja Boberg, Tim Schatto-Eckrodt, Lena Frischlich (WWU Münster) - False Information—Real Problems? Online-Misinformation, Political Anger, Inefficiency, Trust and the Intention to Vote Populists
Lena Frischlich, Svenja Boberg, Tim Schatto-Eckrodt, Thorsten Quandt (WWU Münster) - Empathy for Avatars: The Influence of Perceived Authenticity on Empathy and Behavioral Intentions
Daniel Roth (Universität Würzburg), Josephine Schmitt, Carola Bloch (Universität Köln), Lena Frischlich (WWU Münster), Marc Erich Latorschik (Universität Würzburg), Gary Bente (Universität Michigan) - Computer-Mediated Communication, Psychological Well-Being, and Psychopathological Symptoms: A Computational Scoping Review of an Interdisciplinary Field
Adria Meier (Universität Mainz), Ermese Domahidi (Universität Ilmenau), Elisabeth Günter (WWU Münster), Leonard Reineke (Universität Mainz) - Protecting Against Repercussions of Journalism: Re-Conceptualizing Mediatization in Regard to Defensive Adaptations to News Media Logic
Daniel Nölleke (Universität Wien), Andreas M. Scheu, Thomas Birkner (WWU Münster) - Psychosocial Well-Being and Social Media Engagement: The Mediating Roles of Social Comparison Orientation and Fear of Missing Out
Felix Reer, Wai Yen Tang, Thorsten Quandt (WWU Münster) - Online Sexual Risk Behavior, Victimization and Psychosocial Well-Being Among Adolescents and Young Adults
Ruth Festl (Deutsches Jugendinstitut München), Felix Reer, Thorsten Quandt (WWU Münster) - Citizens’ and Media Perspective on the Responsibility of Corporations: A Multidimensional Study of Responsibility Assessments
Ulrike Röttger, Anna Dudenhausen, Doreen Adolph-Selke, Dominik Czeppel (WWU Münster) - Repercussions of Journalism in German Science Policy Constellations. An Exploration of Mediatization Strategies of Science Policy Stakeholders
Andreas M. Scheu (WWU Münster) - Scholarly networks and disciplinary identity. The role of social networks for intellectual conflicts and the collective memory of communication studies
Andreas M. Scheu, Thomas Birkner (WWU Münster), Christian Schwarzenegger (Universität Augsburg) - Retrospective Overreporting: How In-Situ and Ex Post Measures on Mobile Social Media Use Differ
Teresa Naab (Universität Augsburg), Veronika Karnowski (Universität München), Daniela M. Schlütz (WWU Münster) - Community Detection in Online Networks of Civil Society: Theoretical Guide and Empirical Assessment
Daniela Stoltenberg (WWU Münster), Daniel Maier (Freie Universität Berlin), Annie Waldherr (WWU Münster) - So Far, Yet So Close: Examining Translocal Twitter Audiences of Regional Newspapers in Germany
Daniela Stoltenberg, Lars-Ole Müller (WWU Münster) - Harassment Behaviors in Online Videogames: A Replication and Extension With a German Nationally Representative Sample
Wai Yen Tang, Felix Reer, Thorsten Quandt (WWU Münster) - Player Experiences in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game: A Diary Study of Performance, Motivation, and Social Interaction
Jesse Fox, Michael Gilbert (Universität Ohio), Wai Yen Tang (WWU Münster) - From Homo Dialogicus to Homo Sapiens: Reconciling Public Relations Research With the Mind Sciences
Howard Nothhaft (Universität Lund), Jens Seiffert-Brockmann (Universität Wien), Kerstin Thummes (WWU Münster) - Critical Examination of Studies on Visual and Multimodal Media Frames and Requirements for Content Analyses
Anna-Maria Volpers (WWU Münster) - The Contingencies of Silent Majorities: Revisiting the Spiral of Silence With Agent-Based Modeling
Annie Waldherr (WWU Münster), Marko Bachl (Universität Hohenheim) - Wave of Opportunity: Frame Networks of Political Challengers and News Media During a Food Scandal
Annie Waldherr (WWU Münster), Lei Guo (Universität Boston) - Computational Communication Science: A Methodological Catalyzer for a Maturing Discipline
Martin Hilbert (Universität Californien, Davis), George A. Barnett (Universität Buffalo), Joshua Blumenstock (Universität Berkeley), Jana Diesner (Universität Illinois), Seth Frey (Universität Californien, Davis), PJ Laberson (Universität Los Angeles), Jennifer Pan (Universität Stanford), Paul Smaldino (Universität Californien), Annie Waldherr (WWU Münster), Jingewn Zhang (Universität Californien, Davis), Jonathan J.H. Zhu (Universität Hong Kong)
The International Communication Association (ICA) was founded in 1950 and is associated with the United Nations as a non-governmental organization (NGO) since 2003. As a professional association with its headquaters in Washington D.C. and over 4.500 Members from 85 countries by now, ICA is one of the most important scientific platforms for media- and communication research. The next annual conference 2019 will be held Washington, DC (USA).
Contact person public relations:
Dr. Stephan Völlmicke
Telefon: +49 251 83-23006
Telefax: +49 251 83-21310 (Geschäftszimmer IfK)